The Minutes of Emyo Tinyo Dance & Music Festival is an exhibition hosted by Joaquim Rufat at the Fondation Suzanne Bastien in collaboration with Further Arts.
This year saw the first West Ambrym arts festival, the Emyo Tinyo Dance & MUsic Festival, a collaboration between Emyotungan village, Further Arts (NGO) with the support of Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (Australia). The event hosted over 30 musicians and dancers from around Vanuatu and Melanesia in a series of workshops leading up to a one-day festival in the village.
This exhibition is an account of the event through Joaquim's wonderful drawings, and photos and videos produced by the Further Arts Nesar Studio media crew.
The exhibition is open daily to the public until 24th December 2014 at the Fondation Bastien on Pango Road in Port Vila, Vanuatu.