
  • Yomeddine
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Feature
Running time : 93 (in minutes)

A Coptic leper and his orphaned apprentice leave the confines of the leper colony for the first time and embark on a journey across Egypt to search for what is left of their families.

A coming-of-age comedic drama, a road trip where two outcasts, Beshay and Shika, discover the harshness of the world outside the leper colony where they have spent all their lives.
After the death of his wife, Beshay and his apprentice Shika travel on a donkey cart southwards to search for what remains of Beshay's family. They hope to find out why his father never came back for him after dropping him off at the gates of the colony when he was a little child.

The film is based on real characters that writer/director Abu Bakr Shawky has met at the Abu Zaabal Leper Colony while filming award-winning documentary "The Colony", which screened at many local and international film festivals around the world.

A film by Abu Bakr SHAWKY

Egypt | USA | Austria, 2018, Fiction, 1h33, coming-of-age comedic drama

Stars: Rady Gamal, Ahmed Abdelhafiz, Shahira Fahmy

Country: Egypt | USA | Austria
Language: Arabic
Runtime: 93 min
Color: Color
Filming Locations: Egypt

Produced by
Dina Emam... producer
Mohamed Hefzy... co-producer
Mohamed Saqr... co-producer
A.B. Shawky... executive producer (as Abu Bakr Shawky)
Gill Holland... executive producer
Michel Merkt... executive producer
Daniel Ziskind... associate producer

Director: A.B. Shawky (as Abu Bakr Shawky)
Writer: A.B. Shawky (as Abu Bakr Shawky)

Director of Photography: Federico Cesca
Music by Omar Fadel
Film Editing by Erin Greenwell
Production Designer: Laura Moss
Art Direction by Shorouk El Attar, Laura Moss
Hadrien Royo... post-production supervisor
Muhammad Fareed... assistant director
Habi Seoud... assistant director
David Forshee... re-recording mixer / supervising sound editor
Natalia Saavedra Brychcy... sound effects editor
Nassovich Ragab Khaled... second assistant camera
Eythan Maidhof... first assistant camera
Asmaa Alawi... costumer
Hadrien Royo... colorist

Rady Gamal... Beshay
Ahmed Abdelhafiz... Obama
Shahira Fahmy... Nurse
Mohamed Abdel Azim
Osama Abdallah
Shehab Ibrahim

Lexley Shelton


DESERT HIGHWAY PICTURES - 4 Basra St, Suite 14, Mohandessin Cairo EGYPT - T: +20 10 01 10 06 67 - dina.emam@gmail.com - https://www.deserthighwaypictures.com


LE PACTE - T: +33 (0)1 44 69 59 59 - www.le-pacte.com - distribution@le-pacte.com

French press
GUERRAR AND CO - T: +33 (0)1 43 59 48 02 - François Hassan GUERRAR - guerrar.contact@gmail.com

International press
BRIGITTA PORTIER - T: 32 47 79 82 584 - Brigitta PORTIER - brigittaportier@alibicommunications.be

International sales
WILD BUNCH - T: +33 (0)1 43 13 21 15 - www.wildbunch.eu - Edevos@wildbunch.eu

2018 | Cannes Film Festival 2018, France
* Selected, Official Competition
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale

2017 | Tribeca, NY, Usa
* IWC Filmmaker Award (Runner-Up Honorable mention for A.B. Shawky, Yomeddine film project)
The IWC Filmmaker Award presented by TFI and IWC provides finishing funds to feature-length narratives whose stories are designed for an audience ready for themes that stretch the boundaries of storytelling. This award will give the filmmaker an opportunity to further promote his or her vision worldwide while championing their innovative approach to cinema and character.



Un viaggio incredibile per cercare se stessi e quello che è rimasto della propria famiglia.

Beshay, un lebbroso da molto tempo non più infettivo, non ha mai lasciato il lebbrosario nel deserto egiziano in cui vive fin da quando era piccolo. In seguito alla morte della moglie decide di andare a ricercare suo padre che, dopo aver promesso di tornare a trovarlo, non si era più interessato a lui. Con un carretto trainato da un somaro l'uomo parte ma non può abbandonare Obama, il bambino nubiano orfano di cui si è sempre preso cura. Il viaggio per i due ha inizio.

un film di A.B. SHAWKY

con Rady Gamal, Ahmed Abdelhafiz, Shahira Fahmy, Mohamed Abdel Azim, Osama Abdallah

Egitto, USA, Austria, 2018, durata 93 minuti, Genere Drammatico


12 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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