Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine de Milan 2009

Genre : Festival | Milan

From monday 23 to sunday 29 march 2009

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Il Festival sarà anche l'occasione per presentare un nuovo libro, l'opera monografica Sembène Ousmane a cura di Thierno I. Dia in collaborazione con Alice Arecco, Annamaria Gallone e Alessandra Speciale.

Milano 23 - 29 marzo 2009

Un appuntamento ormai storico per gli appassionati del cinema del sud del mondo, l'unico festival in Italia interamente dedicato alla conoscenza della cinematografia, delle realtà e delle culture dei paesi dell'Africa, dell'Asia e dell'America Latina.
Oltre 50 nazioni rappresentate, circa 80 tra film e video proiettati.

Il programma del 19° Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina prevede le ormai consuete 2 sezioni "competitive" - Concorsi Finestre sul mondo - aperte ai lungometraggi di fiction e ai documentari di Africa, Asia e America Latina e tre concorsi riservati esclusivamente all'Africa: Concorso per il Miglior Film Africano e i Concorsi per i Migliori Cortometraggi di Fiction e Documentari.

Il festival del cinema africano d'Asia ed America Latina non è un episodio isolato nell'attività del COE, ma, al contrario, può essere considerato il momento più significativo di tutta l'attività di promozione e d'animazione culturale che il COE rivolge ai paesi del Sud del mondo dal 1987.


Milan from 23th to 29th March 2009

The only festival in Italy entirely dedicated to the cinema and cultures of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America is now a long-standing rendezvous for the fans of cinema from the south of the world.
More than 50 countries are represents with about 80 films and videos screened.

The programme of the 19th African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival includes the two now traditional "competitive" sections - Windows on the World Competitions - open to fiction feature films and documentaries from Africa, Asia and Latin America and three competitions exclusively reserved for Africa: Competition for the Best African Film and the Competitions for the Best Short Fiction Films and Documentaries.

The African Film Festival is not an isolated episode of the activity of the COE but, on the contrary, can be considered as the most significant moment of all the activity of promotion and cultural animation that the COE has offered the countries of the South of the world since 1987.


CL: Windows of the World Feature Film Competition
CD: Windows of the World Documentary Competition
CM: African Cinema Competition
CC: African Short Film Competition
CDA: African Documentary and Non Fiction Competition
FC: Non-competitive section
OM: Tribute to Darezhan Omirbayev
ST: Special Section: Al Jazeera, an Arab Eye on the World


Auditorium San Fedele
Tueur à gages, Kazakhstan / France, 1998, 80' It. subtitles OM

Una giornata particolare by T. Manfredi and G. Nelli, Italy / Senegal, 2008, 20' Italian subtitles FC
Via Anelli, la chiusura del ghetto by Marco Segato, Italy, 2008, 68' Original version FC

Khamsa by Karim Dridi, France /Tunisia, 2008, 110' Italian subtitles CM

Le café des pêcheurs by Al Hadi Ulad Mohand, Morocco/France, 2008, 23' Italian subtitles CC
Jermal, by R. L. Bharwani and R. Makarim, Indonesia / Netherlands / Germany / Switzerland - 2008, 90' Italian subtitles CL

Spazio Oberdan
Yahud Arab… Aswat Ghaier Masmua (Arab Jews… unheard voices), documentary by Sobhi Darbashi, Qatar, 2006, 45' Italian translation ST
Sirri Lil Ghaya: "Muthalleth Al Gathab" (Top Secret: "The Triangle of Rage"), TV programme by Yusri Fuda, Qatar, 2006, 50' Italian translation ST

Une affaire de nègres by Osvalde Lewat, Cameroon, 2008, 90' Italian translation CD

Lullaby by Natalie Haziza, Israel/ South Africa, 2008, 49' Italian translation CDA
Hadjira, Mehrezia, Latina, femmes musulmanes en Occident by Mohamed Soudani, Algeria/Switzerland, 2008, 54' Italian translation CDA

Mergoz, rencontre des trois types by Fehd Chabbi, Tunisia, 2008, 3' Italian subtitles CC
Goulili by Sabrina Draoui, Algeria / France, 2008, 17' Italian subtitles CC
Loose Rope by Mehrshad Karkhani, Iran, 2008, 82 Italian subtitles CL

Cinema Gnomo
Sexe, gombo et beurre salé by Mahamat Saleh Haroun, Chad / France, 2008, 81' Italian subtitles CM

Un si beau voyage by Khaled Ghorbal, Tunisia / France, 2008, 137' Italian subtitles CM

Cinema Palestrina
Episode III - Enjoy Poverty by Renzo Martens, Belgium/Congo, 2008, 90' Italian translation FC

Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, USA / Senegal, 2008, 102' Italian translation FC

Witness: "Gaza Fixer", TV programme by Rageh Omaar, episode by George Azar, Qatar, 2007, 23' Italian translation ST
Al Arab Al Masihiyun (Christian Arabs), Qatar, 45' Italian translation ST
Islam in America: "Islamic stars and stripes", TV programme by Rageh Omaar, Qatar, 45' Italian translation ST

La danse de l'enchanteresse by A. Gopalakrishnan and B. Chataignier, India / France, 2008, 75' Italian translation CD


Auditorium San Fedele
Mergoz, rencontre des trois types by Fehd Chabbi, Tunisia, 2008, 3' Italian subtitles CC
Goulili by Sabrina Draoui, Algeria / France, 2008, 17' Italian subtitles CC
Loose Rope by Mehrshad Karkhani, Iran, 2008, 82 Italian subtitles CL

17.00 Kairat, Kazakhstan, 1991, 72' Italian subtitles OM

19.00 Cardiogramma, Kazakhstan, 1995, 75' Italian subtitles OM

21.00 Rouzblézonnver by Wassim Sookia, Mauritius, 2008, 28' Italian subtitles CC
Eid Milad Laila by Rashid Masharawi, Palestine / Tunisia / Netherlands - 2008, 70' Italian subtitles CL

Spazio Oberdan
14.30 Tahta Al Mijhar: "Bilad Ma Bayna Al Harbayn" (Under the microscope: "The country between two wars"), episode by Montaser Marai, Qatar, 2007, 46' Italian translation ST
Sami Al Hajj, Assagin 345 (Prisoner 345), documentary by Abdullah El-Binni, Qatar, 2006, 51' Italian translation ST

17.00 Shouga, Kazakhstan / France, 2007, 88' Italian subtitles OM

19.00 La danse de l'enchanteresse by A. Gopalakrishnan and B. Chataignier, India / France, 2008, 75' Italian translation CD

21.00 La résidence Ylang Ylang by Hachimiya Ahamada, Comoros Islands / France, 2008, 20' Italian subtitles CC
El viaje de Teo by Walter Doehner, Mexico, 2008, 92' Italian subtitles CL

Cinema Gnomo
Le café des pêcheurs by Al Hadi Ulad Mohand, Morocco/Francia, 2008, 23' Italian subtitles CC
Jermal by R. L. Bharwani e R. Makarim, Indonesia / Netherlands / Germany / Switzerland - 2008, 90' Italian subtitles CL

Tueur à gages, Kazakhstan / France, 1998, 80' Italian subtitles OM

Cinema Palestrina
14.15 Al Ittijah al Moakis (The opposite direction: "Obama and the effects on Arab issues"), talk show by Faisal Al Kasim, Qatar, 2008, 50' Italian translation ST
Yohka anna… "Kalaa Makuna" (Once upon a time... The Makuna Fortress), episode by Asaad Taha, Qatar, 2003, 55' Italian translation ST

16.45 Lullaby by Natalie Haziza, Israel/ South Africa, 2008, 49' Italian translation CDA
Hadjira, Mehrezia, Latina, femmes musulmanes en Occident by Mohamed Soudani, Algeria/Switzerland, 2008, 54' Italian translation CDA

19.00 Behind the Rainbow, by Jihan El-Tahri, South Africa / Egypt, 2009, 124' Italian translation CD

21.30 Oso blanco by C. Suau and R. Millan, Puerto Rico, 2008, 82' Itala translation CD

Centre culturel français de Milan
20.00 Un si beau voyage Khaled Ghorbal, Tunisia / France, 2008, 137' Original version CM


Auditorium San Fedele
La résidence Ylang Ylang by Hachimiya Ahamada, Comoros Islands / France, 2008, 20' Italian subtitles CC
El viaje de Teo by Walter Doehner, Mexico, 2008, 92' Italian subtitles CL

Nothing but the Truth by John Kani, South Africa, 2008, 81' Italian subtitles CM

Al Ijtiyah (The invasion): Episodes 27 and 29, serial by Shawqi Al Majeri, Jordan, 2008, 45' + 45' Italian subtitles ST

Asylum by Rumbi Katedza, Zimbabwe / UK, 2007, 5' no dialogue CC
Ahyanan by Mahmood Soliman, Egitto, 2008, 15' Italian subtitles CC
Leonera by Pablo Trapero, Argentina, 113' Italian subtitles CL

Spazio Oberdan
Le tableau by Brahim Fritah, Morocco / France, 2008, 45' Italian translation CDA
Le monologue de la muette by K. Silla and C. Van Damme, Senegal / France / Belgium, 2008, 45' Italian translation CDA
Maam Koumba by Alioune Ndiaye, Senegal / France, 2008, 26' Italian translation CDA

17.00 Round Table
Al Jazeera, an Arab eye on the world. An opportunity to get to know the most famous Arabic television in the world better, but of which few in the West know its programmes, in the company of Ahmad Mahfouz (director of Al Jazeera Documentary Channel) Marwan Bishara (a Palestinian writer and Al Jazeera journalist), Donatella Della Ratta (journalist and expert on Arabic media) and Mohamed Challouf (organizer of the section).
The programme Asmaa, Araa, Atakallem: Fi Ain al Asifa (I see, I hear and I speak: in the eye of the cyclone) by Majed Abdel Hedi, Qatar, 47'on the creation of the Al Jazeera channel will be screened before the round table.

To See If I'm Smiling by Tamar Yarom, Israel, 2007, 60' Italian translation CD

La traversée by Nadia Touijer, Tunisia 2008, 15' Italian subtitles CC
La extranjera by Fernando Diaz, Argentina, 2008, 96' Italian subtitles CL

Cinema Gnomo
Rouzblézonnver by Wassim Sookia, Mauritius, 2008, 28' Italian subtitles CC
Eid Milad Laila, by Rashid Masharawi, Palestine / Tunisia / Netherlands - 2008, 70' Italian subtitles CL

Jol, Kazakhstan / France / Japan, 2001, 85' Italian subtitles OM

Centre culturel français de Milan
Khamsa by Karim Dridi, France /Tunisia, 2008, 110' Original version CM


Auditorium San Fedele
La traversée by Nadia Touijer, Tunisia 2008, 15' Italian subtitles CC
La extranjera by Fernando Diaz, Argentina, 2008, 96' Italian subtitles CL

Min Washington (From Washington), TV programme, Qatar, 2008, 45' Italian subtitles ST
Al Ittijah al Moakis (The opposite direction: "The clash of civilizations"), talk show by Faisal Al Kasim, Qatar, 2006, 50' Italian subtitles ST

Le projet by Mohamed Ali Nahdi, Tunisia, 2008, 26' Italian subtitles CC
Adela by Adolfo Alix Junior, Philippines, 2008, 90' Italian subtitles CL

Waramutsého! by Auguste Bernard Kouemo Yanghu, Cameroon / France, 2009, 21' Italian subtitles CC
Mascarades by Lyes Salem, Algeria / France, 2008, 92' Italian subtitles CL

Spazio Oberdan
Corazón de fabrica by E. Ardito and V. Molina, Argentina, 2008, 129' Italian translation CD

Notre pain capital by Sani Elhadj Magori, Niger/Senegal / France, 2008, 13' Italian translation CDA
Of Flesh and Blood by Azza Shaaban, Egypt, 2009, 27' Italian translation CDA
Mère-Bi by Ousmane William MBaye, Senegal, 54' Italian translation CDA

Manga Kissa by Titta Cosetta Raccagni, Italy/Japan, 2009, 20' no dialogue FC
Katakhali by Christiane Ballan, France/India, 2008, 60' Italian translation FC

Ils se sont tus by Khaled Lakhdar Benaissa, Algeria, 2008, 18' Italian subtitles CC
Jerusalema by Ralph Ziman, South Africa, 2008, 120' Italian subtitles CL

Cinema Gnomo
Asylum by Rumbi Katedza, Zimbabwe / UK, 2007, 5' no dialogue CC
Ahyanan by Mahmood Soliman, Egitto, 2008, 15' Italian subtitles CC
Leonera by Pablo Trapero, Argentina, 113' Italian subtitles CL

L'absence by Mama Keïta, Senegal / France, 2009, 84' Italian subtitles CM

Triomf by Michael Raeburn, South Africa / France, 2008, 118' Italian subtitles CM

Cinema Palestrina
Yahud Arab… Aswat Ghaier Masmua (Arab Jews… unheard voices), documentary by Sobhi Darbashi, Qatar, 2006, 45' Italian translation ST
Sirri Lil Ghaya: "Muthalleth Al Gathab" (Top Secret: "The Triangle of Rage"), TV programme by Yusri Fuda, Qatar, 2006, 50' Italian translation ST

Yodok Stories by Andrzej Fidyk, Poland / Norway / South Korea, 2008, 75' Italian translation FC

Al Ittijah al Moakis (The opposite direction: "Obama and the effects on Arab issues"), talk show by Faisal Al Kasim, Qatar, 2008, 50' Italian translation ST
Yohka anna… "Kalaa Makhuna" (Once upon a time...The Makhuna Fortress), episode by Asaad Taha, Qatar, 2003, 55' Italian translation ST

Nos lieux interdits by Leïla Kilani, Morocco / France, 2008, 108' Italian translation CD

The Glass House by H. Rahmanian and M. Hibbard, Iran / USA, 2008, 92' Italian translation CD

Centre culturel français de Milan
Sexe, gombo et beurre salé by Mahamat Saleh Haroun, Chad / France, 2008, 81' Original Version CM


Auditorium San Fedele
Ils se sont tus by Khaled Lakhdar Benaissa, Algeria, 2008, 18' Italian subtitles CC
Jerusalema by Ralph Ziman, South Africa, 2008, 120' Italian subtitles CL

Triomf by Michael Raeburn, South Africa / France, 2008, 118' Italian subtitles CM

Jol, Kazakhstan / France / Japan, 2001, 85' Italian subtitles OM

Awards ceremony and Screening of the short film and feature film awarded the 1st prize by the Official Jury.

Spazio Oberdan
Oso blanco by C. Suau and R. Millan, Puerto Rica, 2008, 82' Italian translation CD

Witness: "Gaza Fixer", TV programme by Rageh Omaar, episode by George Azar, Qatar, 2007, 23' Italian translation. ST
Al Arab Al Masihiyun (Christian Arabs), Qatar, 45' Italian translation ST
Islam in America: "Islamic stars and stripes", TV programme by Rageh Omaar, Qatar, 45' Italian translation ST

Behind the Rainbow, by Jihan El-Tahri, South Africa / Egypt, 2009, 124' Italian translation CD

Screening of the film awarded the Public's Prize

Cinema Gnomo
14.30 Le projet by Mohamed Ali Nahdi, Tunisia, 2008, 26' Italian subtitles CC
Adela by Adolfo Alix Junior, Philippines, 2008, 90' Italian subtitles CL

L'uomo che cerca parole by M. Ghiretti and G. Dall'Aglio, Italy, 2008, 93' Original Version FC

Kairat, Kazakhstan, 1991, 72' Italian subtitles OM

Cardiogramma, Kazakhstan, 1995, 75' Italian subtitles OM

Cinema Palestrina
Min Washington (From Washington), TV programme, Qatar, 2008, 45' Italian subtitles ST
Al Ittijah al Moakis (The opposite direction: "The clash of civilizations"), talk show by Faisal Al Kasim, Qatar, 2006, 50' Italian subtitles ST

Una giornata particolare by T. Manfredi and G. Nelli, Italy / Senegal, 2008, 20' Italian subtitles FC
Via Anelli, la chiusura del ghetto by Marco Segato, Italy, 2008, 68' Original version FC

Akiongea_He's Talking by Piero Pezzoni, Italy / Kenya, 2008, 34' Italian subtitles FC
Parafernalia by M. Coppola and G. Giommi, Italy, 2008, 75' Italian subtitles FC

Centre culturel français de Milan
L'absence by Mama Keïta, Senegal / France, 2009, 84' Original Version CM


Auditorium San Fedele
Notre pain capital by Sani Elhadj Magori, Niger/Senegal / France, 2008, 13' Italian translation CDA
Of Flesh and Blood by Azza Shaaban, Egypt, 2009, 27' Italian translation CDA
Mère-Bi by Ousmane William MBaye, Senegal, 54' Italian translation CDA

To See If I'm Smiling by Tamar Yarom, Israel, 2007, 60' Italian translation CD

Maam Koumba by Alioune Ndiaye, Senegal / France, 2008, 26' Italian translation CDA
Le monologue de la muette by K. Silla and C. Van Damme, Senegal / France / Belgium, 2008, 45' Italian translation CDA
Le tableau by Brahim Fritah, Morocco / France, 2008, 45' Italian translation CDA

Corazón de fabrica by E. Ardito and V. Molina, Argentina, 2008, 129' Italian translation CD

Spazio Oberdan
The Glass House by H. Rahmanian and M. Hibbard, Iran / USA, 2008, 92' Italian translation CD

Tahta Al Mijhar: "Bilad Ma Bayna Al Harbayn" (Under the microscope: "The country between two wars"), episode by Montaser Marai, Qatar, 2007, 46' Italian translation ST
Sami Al Hajj, Assagin 345 (Prisoner 345), documentary by Abdullah El-Binni, Qatar, 2006, 51' Italian translation ST

Une affaire de nègres by Osvalde Lewat, Cameroon, 2008, 90' Italian translation CD

Nos lieux interdits by Leïla Kilani, Morocco / France, 2008, 108' Italian translation CD

Cinema Gnomo
Shouga, Kazakhstan / France, 2007, 88' Italian subtitles OM

Al Ijtiyah (The invasion): Episodes 27 and 29, serial by Shawqi Al Majeri, Jordan, 2008, 45' + 45' Italian subtitles ST

Nothing but the Truth by John Kani, South Africa, 2008, 81' Italian subtitles CM

Waramutsého! by Auguste Bernard Kouemo Yanghu, Cameroon / France, 2009, 21' Italian subtitles CC
Mascarades by Lyes Salem, Algeria / France, 2008, 92' Italian subtitles CL


Alongside the screening sin the cinema, there are the events in the Festival Center, in the west toll-house of Porta Venezia.
All the activities for the public will be free.

Open from Tuesday 24th to Sunday 29th March from the morning until 8.30 p.m.
A meeting place/café for the Festival guests and public and the venue for initiatives, exhibitions and multi-disciplinary activities inspired by the cultures of the three continents.
Tuesday 24th March - 6.00 p.m. Inauguration of the Festival Center and of the photo exhibition Gentlemen of Bakongo-Brazzaville by Daniele Tamagni.
A journey through the "Sapeurs" of Bakongo, the historical neighbourhood of Brazzaville in Congo, the birthplace of "Sape", i.e. the cult of elegance. In Congo, "elegance" is very important, but in no other country is it identified so clearly with one's cultural belonging, history and rules and codes of conduct according to which each person wants to stand out, challenge others, amaze and win others over. All this is "sape", the abbreviation of "société d'ambianceurs et personnes élégantes" (society of elegant people who create an atmosphere) and "sapeur" from the French "saper", a colloquial word for "s'habiller", to dress.

This year's rendezvous include:

the presentation of Fesman 2009, the third Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres (Dakar, 1st-14th December 2009), one of the most important events dedicated to African creation in all the arts;
- the Travel Room, with travel stories, book crossing, exchanges of addresses and experiences for travel enthusiasts; The ways of tango, improvisations of tangos and exchange of addresses to dance the tango all over the world; Bicycles in the world: unusual itineraries for two-wheel fans; Poetry has no borders: a slam session of travelling poets;

Xinjang, the Far West of the Celestial Empire, Faces of China at the frontier, a photographic exhibition and radio reportage by Gabriele Battaglia; Watercolours from my travels by Marco Palleroni; Divenire a photographic installation by Neri Oddo; Africa à la page: when fashion comes from Africa: Sfilart, an event from Senegal between art and fashion; Mandala (Rangoli), a workshop inspired by the popular Indian art of mandalas, to create in the Festival Center coloured designs on the ground using natural materials (sand, flowers, pebbles, Indian colours and rice flour); Workshop on the decoration of fabric bags, inspired by the colours, shapes and craft traditions of Africa and the Middle East, by Francesca Grazzini.

From 5.30 p.m. Teatime: the Festival looks forward to having you for Teatime. Conversations with the Festival guests over teas from the three continents.

-From 6.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. the Ethno-Bar offers samples of ethnic food from China, Argentina and Mali.


The Festival will also be the occasion for the presentation of a new forthcoming book, the monograph Sembène Ousmane edited by Thierno I. Dia in collaboration with Alice Arecco, Annamaria Gallone and Alessandra Speciale. Sembène Ousmane, the world famous writer, was also the first great filmmaker from sub-Saharan Africa. Last year the Festival screened all his films in a tribute to this great director who had recently passed away. This year, with the contribution of Milan City Council - Department of International Cooperation and Solidarity, Milan-Dakar Twinning and the collaboration of the publisher Il Castoro, the Festival publishes the first monograph in Italy on the director. The editor, Thierno Ibrahima Dia, is a young Senegalese film critic who has gained experience at Africultures, a French magazine on African culture and unquestionably the most important source of information and study on African cinema currently on the market. Thierno I. Dia has collected an interesting variety of views on the artist Sembène with the objective of giving us that richness of disciplinary and cultural approaches that scholars, journalists, teachers and film professionals all over the world dedicated in the past few years to the great artist.


Thursday, 26th March, 5.00 p.m. - Spazio Oberdan
Al Jazeera, an Arab eye on the world. An opportunity to get to know the most famous Arabic television in the world better, but of which few in the West know its programmes, in the company of Mohamed Challouf (organizer of the section), Donatella Della Ratta (journalist and expert on Arabic media) and Ahmad Mahfouz (director of the Al Jazeera Documentary Channel).
The documentary I see, I hear and I speak on the creation of the Al Jazeera channel will be screened before the round table.

Meetings at the FNAC

Following the tradition, the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival again offers a series of rendezvous at the FNAC (Via Torino on the corner of via della Palla - 2nd floor).
Here is the calendar:

Wednesday, 25th March 6.00 p.m.
Preview presentation of the book "Sembène Ousmane", a monograph edited by Thierno I. Dia in collaboration with Alice Arecco, Annamaria Gallone and Alessandra Speciale. All the authors will be present.
Last year the Festival dedicated a tribute to the great late director and writer showing all his films. This year, with the contribution of the Milan City Council (Department of cooperation and international solidarity - Milan-Dakar twinning) and the collaboration of the publishers Il Castoro, the Festival publishes the first monograph in Italy on the Senegalese director. The book contains an interesting variety of views of the artist with the objective of giving us that richness of disciplinary and cultural approaches that scholars, journalists, teachers and film professionals all over the world dedicated in the past few years to the great artist.

Thursday 26th March 6.30 p.m.
Inauguration of the exhibition Radio Lu14- Messages for the man in the field. Photographs by Alberto Giuliani.
Throughout Patagonia, the only way to communicate is through Radio LU14, which five times a day reads the messages that arrive at the station of the small town of Rio Gallego, the last on the continent. The messages are for the people who live in the heart of infinite Patagonia: gauchos, labourers, teachers, sheep-shearers…..

Saturday, 28th March 11.30 a.m.
The hope of Africa: voices and music from Kenya. Meet the director and young musicians who are the protagonists of the documentary presented at the festival, Akiongea_He's talking by Piero Pezzoni. Produced by Africa Peace Point Onlus with the support of Father Kizito, the documentary narrates the life and art of some young rappers from the shanty towns of Nairobi.

Saturday 28th March 5.00 p.m.

On the occasion of the thematic section of the festival on Al Jazeera, we present the book "Un Hussein alla Casa Bianca. Cosa pensa il mondo arabo di Barack Obama" (Odoya, 2009) by Donatella Della Ratta, journalist and independent researcher specialized in the media in the Arab world, and Augusto Valerani. Obama spent his childhood in a Muslim country, Indonesia, and his middle name is an Arab one, Hussein. Can the new US President represent the right interlocutor for the Middle East? The Arabs and their media, from blogs to Al Jazeera have been discussing this in recent months. The author of the book analyse the Arabic media, with the opinions of journalists, academics, businessmen and ordinary people in the Middle East and in the USA, offering us a perspective on the future relations between the United States and the Arab world.


The screenings are followed every day by a press conference with the directors, journalists and the other Festival guests. The Festival has always paid special attention to relations with the Italian and international media for the promotion of the films it shows.


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of