Régian Fanta Nacro

Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : December 2003
Published on : 19/12/2003
Source : TIEGO TIEMTORE (tiegot@hotmail.com)
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"La nuit de la vérité" which has been shooted since june 2003, will be the first long-length film by a woman from Burkina Faso. Régina Fanta Nacro who has been one of the first African woman film-makers, is now having a turning point in her carreer by entering the world of long-length films

Born in Burkina Faso in 1962, this film directress and scenario-writer entered the world of cinema through the great door. Her passion for cinema led her to INAFEC in Ouagadougou, the famous African school for jobs about cinema, which have trained several African film-makers. She got a bachelor in audiovisual sciences and techniques from the African institute of cinematographic studies, in Burkina faso, in 1986. She got a master and a DEA in cinematographic studies from Paris IV, then she founded her own label entitled Les Films du Défi, the headquartes of which is in Ouagadougou. She is presently working on her doctorate in Sciences of education.

In Burkina Faso, Fanta Régina Nacro is the fisrt lady to indulge in the world of cinema following training as script in Yam Daabo (The Choice) directed by Idrissa Ouedraogo in 1986. Her first short-length film, Un certain Matin, produced in 1992 won the silver Tanit prize in Carthage.
With Un Certain Matin (1992), the first fiction film produced by a woman in Burkina faso, then Puk Nini (1995), Fanta Nacro entered the field of great film makers. Her short length film entitled Le Truc de Konaté (1998),, dealing with how to avoid AIDS and which got many international prizes among which the 1999 Fespaco and the Short Lenght Film Festival of Clermont-Ferrand, reveals the commitment of this film maker. For her latest film, Bintou, produced in the framework of the serial Mama Africa, Fanta Nacro was inspired by her mother's fight in order to be given her right status in society.The film was short-listed for 2001 Cannes Quinzaine des réalisateurs, and won the prize for the Best Short Length film in 2001 Fespaco.

For her first long length film she chose Ouagadougou to shoot her film . Instead of humour which was present in her previous films, she chose to deal with the horror of war. She therefore put the pression on politicians in order to avoid wars which are killing hundred thousands of people throughout Africa.She advocates human values, among which reconciliation and forgiveness.

Synopsis of "La nuit de vérité"
In an African country, further to a bloody civil war which lasted 10 years, Théo, rebel chief of the Bonandés ethnic group made a cease-fire proposal to the Nayaks. A dinner was organised on that purpose , and musicians were called in. However the atmosphere was very tense. Being unable to shake the hands of the murderers of her son, the President's wife plotted to revenge…


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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