Festival du Film Francophone à la Louisianna State University

  • Festival du Film Francophone à la Louisianna State [...]
Genre : Festival | Baton Rouge

Du lundi 07 au vendredi 11 avril 2003

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv


Monday, April 7th
10-12am, Prescott 234:
Touki Bouki, 1973, Sénégal
by Djbril Diop Mambety

1.30- 4.30pm , Prescott 234:
L'Afrance, 2001, France
by Alain Gomis
Discussion lead by Dr. Eric Dayre: "The Myth of Immigration in Francophone Films"

6 pm, New Design Building 103:
Pièces d'identité, 1991, Congo-Zaire (RDC)

Tuesday, April 8th
Films by D. Ngangura
10-12am, Prescott 234:
La Vie est belle, 1987, RDC

1.30-4.30pm, Prescott 234PC lab:
Lettre à Makura, 1995, RDC
Roundtable. Topic: "Sembene Ousmane's Influence on Contemporary African Filmmakers'

5.30pm, New Design Building 103:
Film by Alain Gomis
L'Afrance, 2001, France.

Wednesday, April 9th
Films by Jean Marie Teno
10-12am, Prescott 234:
Chef, 1999, Cameroon

1.30-4.30pm, Prescott 234:
Le Mariage d'Alex, Cameroon
Discussion lead by Dr. Alexis Tcheuyap: "African Cinema, Cinema from Africa. Classification and Film Discourse'

Thursday, April 10th
10-12am, Prescott 234:
Karmen Geï, 2002, Sénégal by Joseph Gaye Ramaka

1.30-4.30pm, Prescott 234:
Faatkiné, 1999, Sénégal
by Sembène Ousmane
Discussion lead by Sada Dr. Niang: "Ousmane Sembene : Forty Years of Film"

Friday, April 11th
10-12am, Prescott 234:
Ainsi Meurent les Anges, 2001 Sénégal
by Moussa Sène Absa

3pm, New Design Building 103:
Clando, 1996 Cameroon
by Jean-Marie Téno

Major Roundtable. Topic: "Social and Political Discourse in African Francophone Cinema'With filmmakers, actors and film critics

For further information, please call : 578-6589.


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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