NYADIFF : New York African Diaspora International Film Festival 2013

21th edition
NYADIFF : New York African Diaspora International Film [...]
Genre : Festival | New York

Du vendredi 29 novembre au dimanche 15 décembre 2013

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Welcome to ADIFF 2013!
Welcome to the world of the African Diaspora International Film Festival (ADIFF). In our reality, people of diverse origins, nationalities, orientations and backgrounds come together to celebrate the world of images and ideas that depict the human experience of people of color all over the world.

The international Black communities-whether in Europe, Latin America or Africa - continue to play a disproportionately marginal role in the art of cinema. Further, many creative and visionary
films lay languid, collecting dust without the light of a screening due to the lack of distribution structures or movie theaters in the hands of
more sensitive programmers. Stereotypical images, myths and persistent bad taste characterize many of the films that pass for "good movies" in the name of a "numbers" game that determines whose world will get to be shown and whose won't.

By placing the spotlight on innovative films that otherwise would be ignored, ADIFF has created a privileged platform for many of these
films. The list of titles that have found a distribution deal thanks to their participation in the festival is long and still growing.

We thank filmmakers, ADIFF's old and new family of cinephiles, the theaters, ADIFF's former and current staff and all those who, against all odds, have helped us for the last twenty years in our mission to enhance the cultural DNA of New York City and beyond.
We thank you all and wish you a wonderful ADIFF 2013!

Reinaldo B. Spech
Diarah N'Daw-Spech
ADIFF Directors


ADIFF is one of the rare film festivals in the world that systematically offers a significant selection of films depicting stories from Latin-America with an Afro-Centric perspective.

ADIFF 2013's selection includes the US Premiere of Tango Negro: The African Roots of Tango, an amazing documentary that explores the Africanity of Tango; La Playa D.C., Colombia's 2014 Oscar Entry in the Foreign Language category;The Zero Hour, a thriller/action film from Venezuela; and the still popular musical documentary Candombe to be screened as part of the Afro-Latino Night. The directors of Tango Negro and Race/Raca are both expected to attend the festival.

The Day of Black Awareness ("Dia da Consciência Negra" in Portuguese) is celebrated annually on November 20 in Brazil as a day on which to reflect upon the injustices of slavery (from the first transport of African slaves to Brazil in 1594) and to celebrate the contributions to society and to the nation by Brazilian citizens of African descent. It takes place during the Week of Black Awareness.

ADIFF 2013 will celebrate The Day of Black Awareness in Brazil by presenting a selection of films on Saturday, December 14 that illustrate the Afro-Brazilian experience. Five films will be screened including the US premiere of Race/Raça by Joel Zito Araujo - the director of Denying Brazil, a film about the representation of Afro-Brazilians in film and television.

Haiti will also be part of the selection with Fatal Assistance, Toussaint Louverture, and Ayiti Toma, The Land of the living among others.


- Quad Cinema (34 West 13th Street)

- Thalia Cinema, Symphony Space (95th Street and Broadway)
- Teachers College's Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs (525 West 120th St, room 128 Zankel)

- Black Spectrum (177 st & Baisley Blvd, Jamaica, Queens)

- IFC Cinema (323 Avenue of the Americas at West 4th Street)


2 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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