I was a trustee in your youth; now, as a patron in your maturity, I know you will continue to take the wonderful world of words to children. It will make a positive difference to their lives.
Verna Wilkins is founder and Managing Director of Tamarind a publishing company, which she has run successfully since 1987. She is also the author of 30 picture books and seven biographies for young people.
Verna is a Patron on the National Literacy Association and a Trustee of Ealing Parent Partnership.
Verna was born in Grenada where her father was instrumental in introducing Caribbean History to a curriculum dominated by Britain's past. Verna worked as a Lecturer in English and Business for ten years before founding Tamarind and is the recipient of many awards for her contributions to children's literature. Verna believes that the early years of childhood are important in their own right, as well as being the foundation for later life.