TEKS is a grassroots indigenous-led movement of Further Arts working alongside the Lukaotem Gud Santo Festival (LGSF) in Luganville, Santo, the second largest music and cultural festival in Vanuatu, as a creative hub for cultural promotion and development.
TEKS was set up by Delly Roy and Canal Studio after the 2011 edition of LGSF due to the clear need to provide more support to kastom performance groups. It has received seed funding and administrative support from Further Arts since early 2012. TEKS Unit uses alternative locally-based approaches to cultural resource management through the promotion and preservation of important traditional wisdom practices including dances, music, songs, and stories, and connecting these with contemporary music and dance; and traditional artistic creations such as carving, weaving, painting, drawing and fabric art.
The TEKS Program aims to support the engagement of youth and communities with their unique kastom and culture in ways that are conducive to cultural heritage management, creative cultural expression and the promotion of quality traditional cultural products. It does so by working primarily with identified rural villages in the Northern provinces of Vanuatu that are actively maintaining and transmitting traditional knowledge and wisdom to younger generations through events like Mini-Arts Festivals (MAFs).