Media plays a central role in economic and social change. In its various forms, media provides people with information about affecting their lives, and empowers them with tools to hold their leaders accountable. Strong, independent media also helps stimulate innovation and promote entrepreneurship, as well as offer sources of entertainment and education.
AMI was created to improve the African media and its environment, as well as stimulate investment in the media and communications industry. In particular, AMI fosters opportunities to strengthen the media's ability to supply independent and reliable information that will empower African people, guide decision-making, and spur development and growth.
What We do
By working in collaboration with leading stakeholders in the media industry, AMI:
Serves as a point-of-contact for international donors and investors with interests in African media and communications, and "brokers" relationships between stakeholders on the continent and potential external partners;
Provides for a for the African media industry and media assistance organizations to collaborate and share information;
Produces and distributes research to help guide investments and activities in African media and communications;
Promotes media industry professionalization, regulatory reform and technological advancement to better enable reliable, independent information to reach the African public and decision-makers.
Our people
Eric Chinje (Chair)
Manager External Affairs, World Bank, Eric Chinje currently heads the Africa Region.
Marie Roger Biloa
Marie-Roger Biloa is the Chief Executive Director of The Africa International Media Group.
Kaitira Kandjii
Kaitira Kandjii is the Regional Director of Media, Media Institute of South Africa (MISA).
Dr. Arlindo Lopes
Dr. Arlindo Lopes is the Secretary General of the Southern African Broadcasting Association (Mozambique).
Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Author and Journalist, Charlayne Hunter-Gault has previously served as a former Africa CNN Bureau Chief.
Amadou Mahtar Ba (Acting Executive Director)
Amadou Mahtar Ba is a co-founder and president of AllAfrica Global Media, Inc - owner and operator of http://allafrica.com
Ex-Officio Members
Vanessa Mazal
Vanessa Mazal is a Program Officer for Public Affairs and Communications in the Global Development Policy & Advocacy initiative.
Rosie Parkyn
Rosie Parkyn is the London-based BBC World Service Trust representative on the AMI Project.