Year of production : 2017 Format : Feature Running time : 93 (in minutes)
In the cemetery of Sidi Boulekbour, Ali the old gravedigger meets the -60year-old Johar, who is visiting her sister's grave for the first time after losing her husband. Johar wants her final resting place to be next to her sister, so she decides to organize her own funeral and asks Ali to help her. But preparations for the final journey go awry when Ali and Johar unexpectedly start to realize they have feelings for each other…
A film by Yasmine Chouikh
Algeria/UAE, 2017, Fiction, 1h33 minutes
with Boudjemaa Djillali, Djamila Arres, Mohamed Takiret, Mohamed Benbakreti, Imem Noel, Mehdi Moulay
Producer: Karima Chouikh (Making of films)
Director: Yasmine CHOUIKH
Screenplay: Yasmine Chouikh
Original Name: Ila Akher Ezaman English Name: Until The End Of Time Year: 2018 Run Time: 94'min Language: Arabic Type (Colour/ Black & White): Colour Country: Algeria | United Arab Emirates
Cast: Djillali Boudjemaa : Ali Djamila Arres : Joher Mohamed Takiret Imen Noel / Iman Noel Mohamed Benbakreti Mehdi Moulay
Production Company: Making of Films World Sales: Karima Chouikh
Festivals Dubai IFF 2017 Cairo International Women's FF 2017 Festival Méditéranéen de Annaba 2018 Muscat IFF 2018 Festival Aflam du sud Bruxelles 2018 FESPACO 2019
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