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One day, people start to steal sand from the beach to build their houses with. Things start to get messy in the Medina. The energetic communication, the conviviality of the neighbourhood is at the mercy of clamourous rabble-rousers. One day, everything falls apart. Living in common disrespect for nature and for each other brings about a time of misery which wipes out everything without leaving a trace. Belgium / Senegal, 2001 - Animation with sand and paper, no dialog - Director / Réalisateur : Mohamadou Ndoye Dout's - Editing / Montage : Sébastien Pirotte - Length / Durée : 7 minutes - Production : Atelier Graphoui - with the support of DGCI and Communauté Française de Belgique Contact : Atelier Graphoui, Boulevard Emile Bockstaellaan, 88 / 1020 Brussels - Tél: +32 2 537 23 74 - -
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