An incident of colour related racism on a tram in Germany.
A young black man is harassed by an older woman on a streetcar, while the other passengers remain silent. He finally exacts his revenge... without violence.
An elderly lady launches into a tirade of verbal abuse against an African American passenger, bringing up a whole host of prejudices against asylum-seekers and immigrants. The other passengers eavesdrop, but don't intervene. When the ticket inspector turns up to check everyone's tickets something unexpected occurs and the tables turn…
estrelado / mit / starring / avec
Paul Outlaw, Senta Moira, Stefan Merki
ein film von / um filme de / a film by / un film de
Germany, 1993, Short Fiction, 13 mins, Comedy-Drama, in German with FR / EN subs, 35 mm, B&W
"… a great short film, not one superfluous word plus a surprising twist which plays on the double meaning of the word Schwarzfahrer (the literal translation is ‘black rider' but the term generally means ‘fair dodger'). The cinematography has been described as outstanding." (FWB - German federal authority for evaluating and rating film and media).
In der Straßenbahn. Eine ältere Dame sitzt einem Schwarzen gegenüber. Er wird für sie zur Zielscheibe ihrer Hasstiraden auf Ausländer und Asylanten. "Schwarzfahrer" schöpft stilsicher und pointiert die Möglichkeiten des Kurzfilms aus. Auf humorvolle und unterhaltsame Weise behandelt er ein aktuelles
Thema: Rassismus. Der Film erhielt
1994 den Oscar in der Kategorie Kurzfilm.
13min, 1993, DE
Komedie·Kunstneriske film