The husband in DAKAR disappeared. Aided by soothsayers and the authorities, the woman of the house and her cousin venture into an intensive search, resulting in an illuminating view of a hypocritical society, dominated by islamic values. At night they find the husband, wasting his money in a clando, a semi clandestine bordello and shebe. Directed by William Ousmane MBAYE Festivals: Rotterdam (opening night), Berlin (Forum, closing night), Hong Kong, Antwerp, Montréal, Figueira da Foz, Birmingham, Chicago, São Paulo, Amiens, Barcelona, Tampere, Seattle, Moscow, Göteborg, Cairo, Houston, New Delhi. Major Award of the British film industry at the Birmingham International Film and Television Festival 1990. Getz World Peace Prize 1990, Chicago International Film Festival. Special Prize for the initiators from the Sovjet Filmmakers Union at the Moscow International Film Festival 1991. Special Jury Award at the International Worldfest Houston 1992. distributed by International Art Film, Amsterdam