Documentary about the incredible power of art and creativity. We gain insight into the world of the young, vulnerable Art Connect project participants before and after the painting, music and dance lessons. Moving, shocking, but above all inspiring.
Laventille is a Ward of Trinidad and Tobago, where violence and drugs take a severe toll on the residents, including the children. Art Connect is an art project that some children from Success Laventille Secondary School participated in. Kids between 13 and 17, often from broken homes, learned to express themselves creatively.
Trinidadian artist Wendell McShine helped them create expressive murals and they wrote their own music with the musicians of the Freetown Collective (who can be heard on the 2014 soundtrack of Yellow Robin Award winner God Loves the Fighter).
In the documentary the children tell almost all the story themselves. They are given handy GoPro cameras and show viewers their lives. In open-hearted interviews the kids talk of important people and difficult moments in their lives as well as how Art Connect helps them achieve goals they never thought possible.
Director Miquel Galofré
Scenario Miquel Galofré
Photography Miquel Galofré
Editor Miquel Galofré
Sound Design Martin'Mice' Raymond
Language: English Length: 74 min Country: Trinidad and Tobago Year: 2014
NL Laventille is een regio in Trinidad en Tobago waar geweld en drugshandel een zware tol eisen van de bewoners, ook kinderen. Art Connect is een kunstproject waar enkele leerlingen van de Success. Documentaire over de ongekende kracht van kunst en creativiteit. We zien hoe de wereld van jonge, kwetsbare deelnemers aan het project Art Connect eruitziet voor en na schilder-, muziek- en danslessen. Ontroerend, schokkend, en bovenal inspirerend.
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