Founded in 2012, CACE's pilot project, the Writivism Project, selected writers within the African continent, and in a series of workshops, availed them with mentors to horn their writing skills.
This year, the Writivism Project culminates in a five day festival. Writers will interact with the public, and share their work to be judged. The public will interact with other African writers, some of whom are flying in from different countries in Africa. In addition, the festival will feature entertainment in lieu of plays and Spoken Word performances, food exhibitions and crash language courses (A dialogue of Tongues) of a variety of African languages.
THREE Highlight events at The Writivism Festival for the secondary school student/teenager/young adult: A Writing for Life Skills masterclass: Performance of John Ruganda's The Burdens and Poetry performances from Lantern Meet Of Poets Schools' project. Entry will 5,000/= only. Tickets go on sale next week. Schools, student clubs etc, this is for you. FIVE full days of action. Beautiful and Educational action.
Time: 9:00 Am to 5:00pm
Entrance: 5000UGX