Bassega was born at Ndom in Cameroon. She was brought up in the african traditional values by her mother a composer and traditional singer.
From the age of ten, she went to stay with her uncle, a teacher who trained her very early to succeed at all cost in school. This is quickly achieved until her graduation as bachelor of private law. But Bassega has not withheld her ambitions for music since her little childwood, despite the obstacle her family represented.
Her elder brother finally buys for her a synthetiser keybord. And during her stay in Edea town where she has retired, she meets thank to her friend a french lady who offers to train her free of charge in music on piano.
At her entry at the university is when she really starts her first steps in the world of music and becomes a piano and university star. She will work along with some great names of cameroon music such as the great EKO ROOSVELT with whom she made a lot of workshops, Calvin YUGYE, who taught her to believe in what she was doing : the traditional music and many others who have enriched her musical know-how.
Bandmaster of the D.U.M. (Douala University Music)these encounters will led her to play in the bands and pubs of the city of Douala and also to be laureate in several music contests:
· The best instrumentist at the very first festival of arts and culture of the universities of cameroon where she amazed all personalities presents and recently
· She was distinguish Gold Cob of the university with the great assistance of Eko Roosvelt.
Bassega does not stop in so good way; it is for that reason why her encounter with calvin yug at the time manager of traditional music at the university of Douala will produce sparks. For the latter will become her supervisor and will help her to set upa band, a real laboratory of music that works actively for the realization of albums and live shows
Musical style (Music from the patrimony)
Bassega was brought up in the african traditional values. The spirit of african values is all along incitment to wisdom and virtue. Thus man has to endeavor to deepen and perfect his life in order to be intelligent: that implies a series of rules to abide by:it is the law of universal harmony which is called ?maat?. That harmony is what inspires Bassega?s music, gifted with a soft and melancolic voice. With her fingers set upon her piano, she is accompanied by percussionists and accoustic guitar player, a bass and contrebass players. She composes and distills for you pleasure a committed very syncopated rhythmical music whose roots stem from the the depths of the Bantou african philosophy (tales, legends, myths, babysitting songs?). A heen mixture of blues, jazz and the Bantu rhythms such as Makune, Mahongo, ko?o, Bolobo, Essewe etc?. to fit with all this she presentsyou singers and dancers who sing and perform simultaneously amazing steps. In sum Bassega makes an apology of music and rythms of african repertoire.
She has choosen the Bantu languages, French and English to pass her message. She sings peace, the role of culture, the role of african woman, starvation, colonisation, mondialisation, panafricanism, love and hate, starvation, sickness and poverty which plague the continent. She is one of those who believe that music can give a therapy to various torments in our continent. Thus Bassega belongs to the generation of conscius music
?The young men must not forget the profound meaning of music and the virtue which our ancestors were granting it in favor of commercial interests which contribute to underestimate the very meaning of this art.?
Yvette Bassega is a young pianist who is giving herself for first task to restore today traditional and millenial values of africa through sustained rhythms such as the Makune, Mahongo, ko?o at the Bassaa of cameroon and others more. There is no doubt that this folk tour will not stop at this level but will aim in others occasions at all bantu rhythms within her reach. What is sure at least one may assert today is that this university graduate through the rich experience acquired beside the great renounced musicians such as EKO ROOSVELT who participate in this album has a lot of means of her quest. While expecting more for this first tour, she dips us full in the heart of the equatorial forest of all the frights and offers us ?Couleur Café? a sort of melting pot of sound with a dense and mosaic vivacity
2008 Youth day show at Douala University
Ndindja Festival
Kolatier Festival
National Festival of Arts and Culture
2007 The acchievement and the promotion of the Album "Couleur Cafe" August
· Participation in the womens festival MASSAO ? 27th april to 05th may
· Promotion of the in Gabon on the Africa No1 Radio ? August
2006 participation in musical feast day french cultural center ? 21st june
2005 live concert during the musical feast day ? 21st june ? french cultural center
· Issue of a single album ?Bot Bem?
· Live concert in the first part of the group S-Team- december
· Partipation in the cultural festival ?les Apres Midi Des Traditions? ? december
2002 ? 2003 participation at the university festival of cameroon. She is consecrated Gold Cob of the university song
1999 ? 2001 bandmaster of D.U.M. (Douala University Music); several live concerts at the douala University campus
1999 Participation at the very first university festival of arts and culture of Cameroon - she was crowned the best instrumentist (organist) of the festival