Actor-director Ben Affleck and Sir Mick Jagger have launched a short film for UNHCRs new Gimme Shelter campaign to help raise funds and awareness about the crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the work of the UN refugee agency.
In November, Affleck visited Africa to shoot footage in DRCs strife-torn North Kivu province, where tens of thousands have fled their homes since fighting resumed in August. He also visited Uganda, where some 30,000 people have sought refuge and are receiving help from UNHCR. The result is a short film entitled Gimme Shelter, set to the classic Rolling Stones song of the same name, which Jagger and the group donated to the campaign.
UNHCR hopes the Gimme Shelter campaign will help raise US$23 million in 2009 to pay for clean water supplies and emergency humanitarian assistance kits in the region.
The film - Gimme Shelter - was directed by Affleck and filmed by John Toll, both Academy Award winners. The footage was shot in the strife-torn North Kivu region of the DRC in November, where thousands have fled their homes since fighting resumed in August.
Please donate to the'Gimme Shelter' appeal. Thousands of people need your help today.
The short video is about UNHCR and what it does on a daily basis, not just in the DRC, but wherever there is a need to protect uprooted and endangered families.
Nakivale refugee settlement, some 300km away from the Congolese boarder in Uganda. The refugee settlement hosts refugees from the DRC, Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi, Ethiopia and Eritrea and receives all new Congolese refugees coming into Uganda. Once there refugees receive hot meals and basic health care. ©ZALMAÏ 2008
Photographed by: Zalmaï
- For more information about the Gimme Shelter campaign go to