Hivos envisions an open society as one that is based on freedom of expression, of convictions and ways of living and is engaged in a continuous search for appropriate institutions towards that aim. An open society enables citizens to actively shape society and take control over their own lives. In this open society, democratic institutions support and guarantee freedoms. The open society implies a high quality of political decision-making and a society embracing diversity.
The Regional Office for East Africa supports the realization of this open society through grant-making and implementation of programs supporting Transparency and Accountability (T&A) and Freedom of Expression (FoE) in the East African region.
Candidates are expected to have a strong regional track record on T&A and FoE themes with experience in stimulating innovation, making use of new technologies, media and new methodologies such as co-creation/co-development. Plus knowledge of the creative sector. Additionally, candidates should have a demonstrable track record in resource mobilisation and proven regional thematic and donor networks.
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