"Uradi", is a feature-length film revolving around a young man who goes to Nairobi (Kenya's capital City) for higher education. Upon his admission to University, drama soon begins to unfold as peer pressure increases his desire of "living the highlife". To make ends meet he is forced into petty crime, not knowing that the allure of quick money is slowly sinking him into the dangerous territories of radicalization and terrorism. Now turning back becomes a daunting task.
Based on a true story, the film highlights the plight of many Kenyans; mainly the youth who are easily lured into crime, drugs, and radicalization. It also brings to focus the enormous amount of hard work and dedication by law enforcement agencies behind the scenes that mostly goes unreported and thus uncelebrated.
A film by Kangethe MUNGAI
starring Peter Kawa, Shiks Kapyenga, Manasseh K Nyaga, Bilal Mwaura
Kenya, 2020, Feature - 1h 56m
Languages: English, Swahili
Country: Kenya
Kangethe Mungai
Kangethe Mungai
Production company
Kikwetu Productions
2021 / 42nd DIFF - Durban International Film festival - DURBAN, South Africa - From 22 July-1 August 2021.
* Selection