From creator Amanda Parris, Revenge of the Black Best Friend is a six-episode satirical comedy series that follows Dr Toni Shakur, a woman with a mission. Whether it's her award-winning daytime talk show or her hit books, sold-out retreats or opening speeches, she has a consistent message for the film and television industry: The time has come to create one-dimensional, stereotypical black characters. come and go. According to Toni, black actors are no longer available to bring you comic relief, give interesting points to your bland protagonist or tick diversity boxes for your performance quotas.
Throughout this series, we see Dr Toni Shakur deliver his message by all the necessary means: infomercials, episodes of talk shows, presentations to networks and appearances in reality TV shows. And in each episode, she goes straight into battle against a different stereotype: The Sassy Black Girl, The Supportive Sidekick, The One Who Dies First and The Thug. Dr Shakur is the guru that black actors have been waiting for and the warrior the industry has long feared.
Okay, so this is Dr. Toni Shakur in the eyes of Dr. Toni Shakur. But we all know what happens when someone puts a social justice issue on a pedestal. When you sit long enough on this big horse, there is only one direction to follow: down. In Revenge of the Black Best Friend, we reflect on the following question: what happens when your social justice mission becomes your brand (very profitable)?