The Western Region is made up of five (5) ethnic groups namely; Nzema, Ahanta, Wassa, Sefwi and Aowin.
The Region is endowed with rich natural resource that has not been fully tapped for both domestic and foreign consumption. The unique cultural heritage of the people of the West has not been fully made available to the people.
The Western Region Centre for National is tasked with the responsibility of harnessing these cultural-based natural resources to help create wealth for the development of the Region.
The National Commission on Culture under the auspices of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture and its policy implementing Institutions and Agencies are guided by Operational Cultural Policy that among others, seek to create a cultural framework to reflect a conscious recognition of the influence of culture on national development. Among the Institutions and Agencies under the National Commission on Culture is the Regional Centres for National Culture.
Activities Of Western Region Centre For National Culture
The Western Region Centre for National Culture has various departments under its jurisdiction that carries out its day-to-day activities. Currently, the Centre has the Research and Documentation, Visual Arts, Dance/Drama, Technical, Public. Education, Public Relations and Administration Departments.
Research And Documentation Department
The Research and Documentation Department is charged with the responsibilities of conducting research into some aspect of the culture of the people of Western Region. The department offers consulting services on culture to the general public, especially students.
Visual Arts Department
The Department has various Sections under its jurisdiction. These are the Textiles Section (Kente/Dressmaking), Ceramics/Pottery, Carpentry and Graphic
Desig n/Painting
Textiles Section
The Section is in Kente strips production and has started the full kente cloth production for sale to the general public.
The Dressmaking Section is currently designing men's shirts and ladies' dresses for sale.