Le Chemin, translated “the pathway”, is a choreography illustrating the course of life as seen from the inside, the path chosen by each one of us. The dancers embody these courses, from childhood to becoming an adult. Represent, men and women, who by instinct, choice, obligation, necessity, took a path instead of another. These life courses are full of obstacles, joys, misunderstandings, regrets.
Le Chemin is a trio where the choreographer stages the thoughts that accompany us in our choices, our questions, and our decisions. The bodies struggle, mutate, grow and metamorphose as if to escape their destiny. The dancers oscillate between dream and reality, attached despite themselves to the feminine character.
This woman symbolizes gentleness, purity and security. She also represents the earth that witnessed our birth and that we flee despite ourselves to grow better but remind us constantly where we come from. She guides these men throughout their lives filled with doubt and confrontation.
A perfect harmony between traditional African, contemporary and afro-jazz dances. It is a performance where the choreographer knew how to value the artistic differences of every dancer.