Kamal Derkaoui

Kamal Derkaoui
Film director, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Kamal grew up in Lodz, Poland where his parents were studying in the Polish film school. Being permanently with his father on sets, kamal developed an early interest in cinema.

After he finished high school, kamal had decided to study cinematography and got admitted into one of the most prestigious film schools in the world - The Russian federation State Institute of Cinematography "VGIK". Where he studied under the strict tutelage of Vadim Yusov, the legendary cinematographer of A.Tarkovsky. And six years later, in 1994, he graduated with a Master's Degree in Cinematography with honors.

Very early in his carrier, Kamal has been recognized in numerous festivals around the globe and started receiving international awards for best cinematography.

Experienced, fast, very sensitive to the beauty of light and to composition, received Director of Photography degree with honorable mention from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and have received awards for best cinematography in various international festivals.


2005 Nomination for Best Cinematography for the CSC Awards (Canadian Society of Cinematographers)

Award for Best Cinematography at the Casablanca international film festival in November 1998 for Saad Chraibi's feature film, "Femme? et femmes"

Award for Best Cinematography at the Casablanca international film festival in November 1998 for Nordine Lakhmari's Moroccan-Norwegian film, "Le dernier spectacle"

Award for Best Cinematography at the Arab Screen Independent Film Festival in London for Nordine Lakhmari's Moroccan-Norwegian film, "Le dernier spectacle"

Award for Best Cinematography at the International Film Festival in Athens, Greece, in 2000 for Nordine Lakhmari's Moroccan-Norwegian film, "Le dernier spectacle"

Award for best technical assistance for Jillali Ferhati's feature film "Tresses" at the Rabat International Festival, 2000

Nominated for best cinematography at the Qatar festival of Awards-winning films for Saad Chraibi's feature film, "Femme? et femmes"

Nominated for best cinematography throughout Africa at the All Africa Film Awards in November 1998, held at Pretoria, South Africa, for Saad Chraibi's feature film, "Femme? et femmes"

Award for best picture at the international film festival Vues d'afrique in Montreal Canada in 2001 for Saad Chraibi's feature film "Soif"

Award for best picture at the All Africa Film Awards in November 1998, held at Pretoria, South Africa, for Saad Chraibi's feature film, "Femme? et femmes"


Feature Films 35mm and HD
SEEKING FEAR (hands-off productions) By R. Webb & L. Johnson Canada 2004
McKIDS (KenDoKid prod & Quixote Prod) By J. Kennedy Canada 2004
"La chambre noire" (Bentaqerla) By Hassan BENJELLOUN Casablanca 2003
"Le fil rouge" (Cinautre) By Saad CHRAIBI Casablanca 2003
"Les aveux d'un père" (Heracles production) By Jillali FERHATI Casablanca2003
"CROSSING" (Crossing production) By Roger Larry Canada 2003
"BETRAYING REASON" (Clearwater production) By Lili Schad Canada 2002
"FIREFIGHT" (Roger Corman & Backburn pictures) By Paul Ziller Canada 2002
"Une histoire d'amour" (Prod`action) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 2001
"Mona Saber" (Casablanca film production) By abdelhay LARAKI Casablanca 2001
"Soif" (Cinautre) By Saad CHRAIBI Casablanca 2000
"Diabétique" (Prod`action) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 1999
"Tresses" (Heracles production) By Jillali FARHATI Casablanca 1999
"Mabrouk" (Zawaya production) By Driss CHOUIKA Casablanca/Spain 1998
"Destin de femmes" (Prod`action) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 1998
"Femme? et femmes" (Cinautre) By Saad CHRAIBI Casablanca 1997
"Un simple fait divers" (Prod`action) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 1996
"Je(u) au passé" (Art 7) By Mostafa DERKAOUI Casablanca/Moscow 1993

TV Series
"ROBSON ARMS" (Omni Production) SDX + pro35 adapter Canada 2004
"49th and Main" (Dilema production) Canada 2005

TV programs
"SUZUKI SPEAKS" (Avanti pics) Canada 2003

Short Films 35mm and HD
"BEAUTY BOND" (Avanti Pics) By Tony Papa Canada 2004
"NIGHT AT FEDERICCO" (Dilemma Prod) By Robert Wright Canada 2004
"CORONA STATION" (Wriley Prod) By Steve Rosenberg Canada 2004
"SPARE CHANGE" (Rembler Prod) By Peter Waal Canada 2003
"No secrets" (Prod`action) By Imad and Souhail NOURY Casablanca 2001
Etat de siège". (Ali`N Production) By H`med IDRISSI Casablanca 2000
"Le cimetière des miséricordes" (Ali`N production) By Ali TAHIRI Casablanca 2000
"Coupable" (Prod`action) By Imad NOURY Casablanca 1999
"Le dernier spectacle" (M.P.S.) By Nourdine LAKHMARI Casablanca 1998
"Sacrée soirée". (Cinautre) By Jamal BELMEJDOUB Casablanca 1997
"Pêcheur" (Zoughi`s).By Hamid ZOUGHI Casablanca 1996
"Super Caid". (Prod`action) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 1996
"L'homme de paille" (Cinautre) By Jamal BELMEJDOUB Casablanca 1996
"Fabula". (Cinautre) By Omar CHRAIBI Casablanca 1996
"Le mouchoir bleu". (M.P.S.) By Jillali FARHATI Casablanca 1995
"Sur la terrasse". (M.P.S.) By Farida BENLYAZID Casablanca 1995
"Lumière". (M.P.S.) By Omar CHRAIBI Casablanca 1995
"Cinéma impérial". (M.P.S.) By Hakim NOURY Casablanca 1995
"Le train va". (V.G.I.K.) By Juho LILYA Moscow 1994
"Deux ombres" (Art7) By Kamal DERKAOUI. Moscow 1994
"Le doux murmure" (Art7) By Mostafa DERKAOUI Casablanca 1993

I've directed photography for more than 60 commercials on 35mm, HD and video in Europe Africa and America.

Contact Information

To get my demo reel on DVD or for any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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