Izé (Teixeira)

  • Izé (Teixeira)
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

Singer-rapper-toaster Izé was born and raised in the Cape Verde Islands off the shores of Northwest Africa. At the age of nine, he and his family relocated to Paris' Belleville neighbourhood, moving from one cultural melting pot to another. Living alongside Central and North African and Jewish communities helped cement Izé's personal identity as a French-Cape Verdean. His first album, "Double Nationalité" combined rap with morna, funana and ragga influences - a musical metaphor of his two-fold identity. The lyrics, a slick mix of French and Criolu (Cape Verdean creole), also reflect this duality and are a fitting medium with which to voice his social-political stance. Izé's second album Mobilizé was inspired by a chance meeting with composer, Alexis Ouzani during an MC recording session. MC stands for la Mal Criado ("Bad Manners" in Criolu) and refers to the musical collective formed by a group of Cape Verdean buddies including Jacky from the Neg'Marrons, JP from the Deux Doigts and Stomy Bugsy. With its lively, sun-drenched rhythms, Mobilizé has a resolutely different sound from Izé's debut album and draws on the full range of black musical influences. The album pays homage to traditional Cape Verdean melodies (with Jay's special touch) while also incorporating R&B and soul beats. Izé remains true to both of his double origins and continues to express his views loud and clear. His music has become more serene; the struggle goes on but has taken on a more joyful, festive spirit. For Izé, it is no longer simply a matter of reconnecting with his own homeland roots, but also of taking the Cape Verde Islands to the heart of Panama, as set out in the album's first track Benvenido which takes us on a journey, inviting us to join the celebration and to dance. From the lyrics to the rhythm - nostalgic on Mama which deals with his past, militant on Immigranti, and sexy on the very up-close-and-personal track Dao Dao Dao - Izé explores his African soul, everything that define him as a black man. Mobilizé seeks to preserve the past yet also reaches out to today's French-born Cape Verdeans to remind them where they came from and to encourage them to explore their roots. At once mobile and mobilized, Izé would rather pick up a microphone to a gun to make his voice heard, whether that be as a solo artist or as part of MC, his message remains, "I know where I came from."
Izé is produced by José Da Silva, who also produces Cesaria Evora, and is a worthy successor to the Great Dame.


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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