Unity Productions Foundation (UPF)

Genre : Production, Edition dvd/vhs
Status : Foundation
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
P.O. Box 650458
20165-0458 Potomac Falls, VA
United States
Tel. : +1
Fax : +1 (703) 738-7044
Contact by email

About UPF The Organization

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to build a respected media foundation, creating high-quality films for worldwide broadcast and long-term educational campaigns that increase understanding and dialogue among the world's spiritual and cultural traditions.
Our vision is to be a catalyst for ending the "Clash of Civilizations."
Part of that vision is a future where Islam and Muslims are understood in a wider, contemporary social context and Muslims are part of the modern social fabric.


Nothing shapes public opinion or stimulates national dialogue more powerfully than the media. It is the primary agent for spreading information and formulating the images by which people come to know and understand the world. Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) is a non-profit educational foundation. We work through the media to produce films and documentaries that serve the causes of peace and understanding. UPF produces high-quality films intended to excite and entertain large national audiences and become the centerpieces for well designed educational outreach programs in classrooms, museums, community organizations, and public institutions. Our current projects are focused on creating greater understanding about Muslims and Islam. Today one in five people on earth are Muslim, and yet much of what is known about Islam comes mainly from the headlines. What is the history of this faith? Why does it continue to exert an influence over one-fifth of the world's population? How does Islam fit within a wider societal context? Comprehending how Islamic values have been expressed in past cultures and in Muslims' lives today is of central importance to the cause of peace and understanding.
Strategic Plan
To build upon the momentum gained by successfully broadcasting a major documentary, UPF officers have been working with Myrna Associates (www.myrna.com) to improve our strategic planning and our infrastructure. Myrna Associates is one of American business's premiere strategic planners; its client list reads like a businessmen's ‘Who's Who'. We are fortunate to be working directly with John Myrna, the company's founder. This work has resulted in a more streamlined organization with well-defined limits and monthly, annual, and five-year goals.

Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 Foundation registered in the state of California. Contributions to UPF are tax-deductible.

Board of Trustees:
Safi Qureshy - Chairman of the Board, Founder, AST Computers, Philanthropist
Michael Wolfe - Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Muhammad: Legacy of A Prophet
Alex Kronemer - Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Muhammad: Legacy of A Prophet
Lubna Qureshi - Freelance Journalist, former contributor to NPR
Jay Schumann - Media Researcher


Michael Wolfe - Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Muhammad: Legacy of A Prophet
Alex Kronemer - Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Muhammad: Legacy of A Prophet
Jawaad Abdul Rahman - Director of Development
Patricia E. Langan - Managing Director
Daniel Tutt - Outreach Coordinator and Manager, 20,000 Dialogues Program
Camille Alick - Manager, Muslims on Screen and Television Program
Fouzia Haq - Donor Relations Coordinator

Legal Representation
UPF's expert legal counselors on non profit law include Peter Wolk, Esq., Washington, DC and Mazen Asbahi, Esq., Chicago, IL, and on intellectual property matters, Drinker, Biddle and Reath LLP, Philadelphia.

Employer's Identification Number (EIN): 77-0519274

To order DVDs of UPF Films:
+1 (888) 786-0444

To make a contribution or check on the status of your pledge:
+1 (703) 347-1945


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Prince Among Slaves



  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of