The Nordic Anthropological Film Association is an organization for cooperation within the field of visual anthropology and has been active since the early seventies. The Institutional membership is primarily made up of Social Anthropological institutions and ethnographic museums in the nordic countries, plus several regional colleges and media schools.
One of NAFA`s most important tasks has been to build up an anthropological film archive; for use in teaching and research. At the moment, the archive contains approximately 110 titles; a unique collection of classic and more recent ethnographic films which is matched only by a few of the worlds most important and largest ethnographic film archives. It is being hosted at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, Norway.
NAFA also arranges an annual International Film Festival and Conference where recent ethnographic films are shown and discussed with a large audience.
:::Membership / Contact-info:::
Membership is open for interested persons anywhere in the world. The fee for individual membership is DKK 250/year, giving with it user-access to the NAFA film archive, a subscription to NAFA-network, access to the annual meeting, and a 20% discount on NAFA publications.
NAFAs former structure of individual and institutional membership has been replaced by a simpler system, and individual membership is now the only possibility. Institutions may be attached to NAFA through one or more individual membership(s) of named contact person(s) and hereby borrow films for screenings.
For membership registration please contact:
Peter Ian Crawford, NAFA treasurer
Castenschioldsvej 7
DK-8270 Hoejbjerg
Tel: +45 86272333
Fax: +45 86275133
E-mail: interven(AT)
NAFA Network
For information on'NAFA-Network', the newsletter of NAFA, please contact Anne Mette Jørgensen, Berit Madsen or Christian Suhr Nielsen at the following address:
Etnografisk Afdeling
8270 Hoejbjerg
Fax: +45 89 42 46 55
E-mail: nafanet(AT)
The NAFA film archive
Members of NAFA can rent films at the cost of 50,-Nkr per film, plus postage, (non-members 100,- Nkr, plus postage). No direct payment is needed. At the end of the year the NAFA secretariat will invoice the amount spent for the whole year.
For ordering of films and information specifically regarding the film-archive, please use the following address:
c/o Institutt for Sosialantropologi
Fosswinckelsgate 6
N-5007 Bergen
E-mail: nafa(AT)
NAFA produces a publication series entitled PROCEEDINGS FROM NAFA. Three volumes have been released so far:
NAFA I - The Nordic Eye: conference papers 1987-89.
NAFA II - Ethnographic Film, Aesthetics and Narrative Traditions.
NAFA III - The Construction of the Viewer
They are all available from Intervention Press (Peter Crawford)
General information
Any other questions? Please contact our General Secretary, Frode Storaas
NAFA / Frode Storaas
c/o Institutt for Sosialantropologi
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