The three films from the series "The Tombigbee Chronicles Number Two" ("Rita Larson's Boy", "Chicken" and "Early Riser") are presented as a succession of auditions filmed in classic noir style. An invisible director pushes the rehearsals in front of the camera. The text comes to life like a living organism. Thus the repetition of a text becomes the image of the process of how oral history is created.
A film by Kevin Jerome Everson, Kahlil Pedizisai | 00:10 + 00:03 + 00:05 | 2012 | États-Unis
Rita Larson's Boy
Kahlil Pedizisai, Kevin Jerome Everson | 00:10 | 2012 | United States
Kevin Jerome Everson | 00:03 | 2012 | United States
Early Riser
Kevin Jerome Everson | 00:05 | 2012 | United States
Film Directing
Kevin Jerome Everson - United States
Kahlil Pedizisai
Kevin Jerome Everson - United States
Kevin Jerome Everson keverson77[at]mac[dot]com
Tel. +14342421039
Picture Palace Pictures
Madeleine Molyneaux picturepalacesale[at]yahoo[dot]com
107 First Street South, #306
22902 Charlottesville - United States
Tel. +19177233570
2 files