Sabres (Les) - Hasaki ya Suda

© Fespaco 2011
Type : Fiction
Original title : Hasakiyasuda
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Short
Running time : 24 (in minutes)

2100, victims of climate changes, the populations of South, vacate their lands and exile to the North. A massive exodus that will perturb the world order. After conquering the last existing natural and fertile spaces, three men, Warubemba, Shandaru and Kapkaru confront one another mercilessly with as sole and unique arm swords.

The year 2100, the global warming caused terrible dryness, conflicts and famines. The first victims are the southern populations, forced to leave their lands to immigrate to the North. A massive exodus turned the world upside-down. From now on, the earth is reduced to a gigantic no man's land. Lost and distraught, a few survivors turn to the past and bring back to life some ancestral rituals. All over the world, clans emerge and fight for the last fertile lands they can find. Three men confront one another with the only weapon they have, swords.

A film by Cédric IDO

France / Burkina Faso, 2011, Fiction, 24 mins

starring Jack Ido, Wurubemba, Cédric Ido, Shandaru, Ralph Amoussou

Réalisateur / Director: Cédric Ido ;
Scénario/Script : Cédric Ido ;
Images/Pictures : Thomas Garret ;
Son/Sound : Michele Tarantola ;
Montage/Editing : Samuel Danesi ;
Musique/Music: Nicolas Tescari, David Chalmin ;
Productrice / Producer: Laurence Lascary (DACP, Paris)

Interprètes/Actors: Jack Ido, Wurubemba, Cédric Ido, Shandaru, Ralph Amoussou ;

Durée/Length: 24mn
Format : 35mm
YEAR OF RELEASE: 2011 | Burkina Faso / Burundi

Contact :
Laurence Lascary, DACP (France)
Tél. : +331 41729212 ;
Fax :+331 48 97 47 69 ;
Email :

Selections :
* Fespaco 2011 (Burkina Faso), Special Mention
* FESTICAB 2011 (Burundi).

Summary for official catalogues

2100, victims of climate changes, the populations of South, vacate their lands and exile to the North. A massive exodus that will perturb the world order. After conquering the last existing natural and fertile spaces, three men, Warubemba, Shandaru and Kapkaru confront one another mercilessly with as sole and unique arm swords.

The year 2100, the global warming caused terrible dryness, conflicts and famines. The first victims are the southern populations, forced to leave their lands to immigrate to the North. A massive exodus turned the world upside-down. From now on, the earth is reduced to a gigantic no man's land. Lost and distraught, a few survivors turn to the past and bring back to life some ancestral rituals. All over the world, clans emerge and fight for the last fertile lands they can find. Three men confront one another with the only weapon they have, swords.
A film by Cédric IDO, 2011, France / Burkina Faso, narrative, 24 mins, starring Jack Ido, Wurubemba, Cédric Ido, Shandaru, Ralph Amoussou


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19 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of