Cousin, cousine

Type : Fiction
Original title : Cousin, cousine, pirogue gondole
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1987
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 31 (in minutes)

Damouré Zika in Venice embarks with Mariama Hima in a history of gondolas.

Mariama and Damouré, two cousins, are in Venice looking for a relic-or fetish-lost a long time ago, as in one of Gentile Bellini's famous paintings. Mariama shows Damouré the city, taking him to a boatshed to see how gondolas are built (a process very different from the way a dugout is made) or talking with him about those strange creatures that live on water, the Venetians... Moving then from the Grand Canal to the Niger River, the two mischievous cousins reveal to us that the relic is none other than the ritual ax of Dongo, the spirit of thunder...

A "caprice" invented in Venice by Jean Rouch and his two friends, who came to the festival in 1985 to present a film made by Mariama Hima, Falaw (which won an award).

A film by Jean Rouch

France, 1985-1987, short, 31', language French

with Damouré Zika, Mariama Hima, gondolas drivers and pirogues drivers.

France (1985-1987) / 31'

ideas, screenplay and improvisations: Jean Rouch, Damouré Zika, Mariama Hima (and Gentile Bellini)

restoration curated by CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée)
film: laboratory L21

The restoration has been carried out in its entirety by the French CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée) and executed by the L21 laboratory. The original elements of the reversible 16 mm film have been scanned in 2K.

2017 | Hommage Jean Rouch : restaurations, raretés et inachevés | Cinémathèque française, Paris
* Samedi 25 novembre 2017, 15h00 - Salle Jean Epstein → 16h40 (100 min)
Rouch hors Afrique (3 films) :
Ispahan : lettre persane = La Mosquée du chah à Ispahan (Jean Rouch / France / 1977 / 35 min / 35mm)
Cousin, cousine, pirogue gondole (Jean Rouch / France / 1985 / 30 min / 16mm)
Brise-glace : Bateau givre (Jean Rouch / France / 1987 / 35 min / 35mm)

2017 | 74th Venice FilmFest, Italy
* Selection - Venice Classics
* World premiere (previously unreleased film)
* Projection / Screening: 7 September 2017, 17:15, Sala Volpi



Mariama e Damouré, due cugini, si ritrovano a Venezia per cercare una reliquia - o feticcio... - persa molto tempo fa, come in uno dei famosi teleri di Gentile Bellini. Mariama fa così conoscere la città a Damouré, portandolo in uno squero ad esaminare la fabbricazione delle gondole (ben diversa da quella delle piroghe), o discutendo con lui di quegli strani esseri che abitano sulle acque, i Veneziani... Passando poi dal Canal Grande al fiume Niger, i due maliziosi cugini ci fanno scoprire che la reliquia altro non è che l'ascia rituale di Dongo, il genio del tuono...
Un "capriccio" inventato a Venezia da Jean Rouch e dai suoi due amici ed interpreti venuti a presentare alla Mostra del 1985 un film di Mariama Hima, Falaw (che vinse un premio).

di Jean Rouch

Francia (1985-1987) / 31', lingua Francese

cast Damouré Zika, Mariama Hima, qualche gondoliere e piroghiere

idee, sceneggiatura e improvvisazioni: Jean Rouch, Damouré Zika, Mariama Hima (e Gentile Bellini)

restauro a cura di CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée)
laboratorio L21

Il restauro è stato realizzato integralmente dal CNC francese (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée) ed eseguito dal laboratorio L21. Gli elementi originali della pellicola 16mm inversibile sono stati scannerizzati in 2k.

2017 | 74. Mostra di Venezia, Italia
* Seélection - Venezia Classici
* Première Mondiale


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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