Two half-caste people discover love beyond the borders of difference and lack of common sense. Coroline is attracted for the first time by someone belonging to a different culture. She is troubled. His father, a racist, harasses her with his preconceived ideas.
A film by Reda CHEBCHOUBI
Belgium, 2005, Fiction, 7mins 14s
starring Jamal Garando, Dona Kips, Karl Dendal, Jan Debski.
Production / Producer: Art Universel, Brussels
Réalisateur /Director: Reda Chebchoubi
Scénaristes / Screenplay: Reda Chebchoubi et Jamal Garando
Image /Photo: Moustafa Abatane et Mourad Boucif
Montage / Editing: Khalid Boussouf
Son / Sound: Khalid Boussouf
Interprétation /Casting: Jamal Garando, Dona Kips, Karl Dendal, Jan Debski.