"1994" gives an account of the everyday life of two rival gangs who live in two neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, (in the north of the city, along the Brazil Avenue). In the year 1994 Brazil, which was supporting its team at the World Cup, was faced with economic changes brought about by the arrival of a new currency - the Real Plan (a programme which intended to stabilise the economy and in particular control the inflation rate which was tormenting the country) - and the organisation of democratic presidential elections. This is the setting for the film "1994" which shows the everyday life of three young people from the suburbs of Rio and tackles issues such as freedom, identity and the control of territories.
Director: Gustavo Melo
Brazil, Fiction - 97 min - Color - 35 mm - Portuguese - long feature film
Produced by : Nós Do Morro (Manuelle Rosa/Luciana Bazerra)
Luz Mágica (Carlos Diegues) (Brazil)
The film will be produced by the Nós do Morro group, which is not only recognised for the training of its actors but for the quality of its films, in collaboration with Luz Mágica (Carlos Diegues's production company). The Nós do Morro group, which was created in May 1986, will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. The film will also include support from government and their agencies that approve the tax incentive laws: Riofilme / CTAv (Audiovisual Technical Center) and Ancine.