I Mille Occhi 2008

Genre : Festival | Trieste

From friday 19 to saturday 27 september 2008

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Source : Gloria Morano
Researches and contacts coordination
50 rue de la Bidassoa - 75020 Paris, France
+33 (0) 1 43 58 38 67
+33 (0) 6 50 46 39 19
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Più cinema del cinema, più reale del reale (Bigger than life)

Every year the Italian Association Anno Uno proposes a large vision of precious and exceptional International films, many retrospectives of quality that allow to discover and rediscover rare films from all over the world.

The 7th edition of I Mille Occhi, the International Festival of Cinema and Arts, organised in association with Cineteca del Friuli, will take place in Trieste next September 19-27, 2008.
The program is conceived from an International artistic committee: Sergio Grmek Germani (Festival's director), Jurij Meden, Olaf Moeller, Marina Mottin, Jackie Raynal.


* Anno uno Award (V). John Gianvito, the Perfect Light
. Complete retrospective of the Americain filmmaker.
Special event : screening of Gianvito's last film Profite Motive and the Whispering Wind (2007) : a visual meditation of the progressive history of the United States as seen through cemeteries, historic plaques and markers. Inspired by Howard Zinn's "A People History of the United States".
Italian premiere of the other Gianvito's films, included :

* American novel. The adventures of young Rossen, for the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Retrospective dedicated to the US filmmaker and scenarist Robert Rossen, organised in collaboration with the Turin Cinema Museum, wich will continue the retrospective in October.
Included :
- Lilith by Robert Rossen (USA, 1964)
- The Hustler by Robert Rossen (USA, 1961)
- The Cool World by Shirley Clarke (USA, 1964)
- Ordet by Carl T. Dreyer (Danmark, 1955)

* Jacques Baratier II, les jouissances des années 60.
The 60's Baratier'films. We'll show the collaborations with the writer Jacques Audiberti.
With Jacques Baratier and Bulle Ogier.
Included :
- Dragées au poivre (Italy/ France, 1963)
- Désordre (France, 1949)
- Piège (France, 1968)
- La Ville bidon (France, 1973)

* Bulle toujours. Hommage to Bulle Ogier.
With the actress.
Included :
- L'Amour fou by Jacques Rivette (France, 1969)
- La Salamandre by Tanner (Switzerland, 1971)

* Stendhal at cinema, hommage to Bruno Pincherle (1903-1968).
Included :
- The Barefoot Contessa by Joseph L. Mankiewicz (Italy/USA, 1954)
- Mina de Vanghel by Maurice Barry and Maurice Clavel (France, 1953)
- Tre storie proibite by Augusto Genina (Italy, 1952)

* De l'amour. For Cottafavi. Vittorio Cottafavi personal retrospective in progress.
Included :
- Fiamma che non si spegne (Italy, 1949)
- Una donna libera (Italy/France, 1954)
- Maria Zef (Italy, 1981)

* Africain presence : Balufu Bakupa-Kanyinda.
With the Congolese filmmaker.
Included :
- Juju Factory (2007)
- Afro@digital (2002)
- Thomas Sankara (1991)

Special programmes

* Frederick Wiseman, in collaboration with Zipporah Films
* Ornella Volta
* LES VAMPS FANTASTIQUES by Jean-Pierre Bouyxou et Jean-Yves Bochet (2003)
* Viva Vivarelli
* Stock 68/69
by Breda Beban (2003)


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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