Year of production : 2024 Format : Feature Running time : 132 (in minutes)
In a windy Somali village, a newly assembled family must navigate between their different aspirations and the complex world surrounding them. Love, trust and resilience will power them through their life paths.
estrelado / starring / avec : Axmed Cali Faarax, Canab Axmed Ibraahin, Cigaal Maxamuud Saleebaan
Primeiro Longa-Metragem de Ficção / First Feature Fiction / 1er Film (Long métrage Fiction
Year of production / Année de production : 2024 Countries / Nationalités : Austria, France, Germany, Somalia / Autriche, France, Allemagne, Somalie Language / Langue : Somali Duration / Durée : 133
Elenco / Cast / Interprètes : Axmed Cali Faarax (Ahmed Ali FARAH).................................... Mamargade Canab Axmed Ibraahin (Anab Ahmed IBRAHIM)....................... Araweelo Cigaal Maxamuud Saleebaan (Ahmed Mohamud SALEBAN)........... Cigaal
Producers / Producteurs : Oliver NEUMANN (Freibeuterfilm) Sabine MOSER (Freibeuterfilm)
International Press & French Press Viviana ANDRIANI | |
Distribution France : JOUR2FETE DISTRIBUTION | |
FESTIVALS / EXIBIÇÕES / SCREENINGS / PROJECTIONS (selection) *Official selection, FESPACO 2025, Fiction, Feature film * Première Mondiale /// 77e Festival de Cannes, 2024, France) * Sélection Officielle : Un Certain Regard /// 77e Festival de Cannes, 2024, France)
Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) : - Africiné Magazine - - Updated by Audrey Janichon & Thierno DIA, 31 May 2024
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