Following a series of murders, the investigating officer finds out that high ranking personalities are involved. He is forced into a maze where he is no longer in control of his destiny..
Réalisation /Director: Brahim Chkiri
Scénario / Screenplay: Fatih Cam, Ismaïl Saaidi, Olivier Boelens
Image /Photo: Brahim Chkiri
Montage / Editing: Nicolas Olivier
Son / Sound: Renauwld Petit-Mussin
Interprétation /Casting: Fatih Cam, Olivier Boelens, Eric Martin
Production / Producer: Radio Paça C-Brothers
Following a series of murders, the investigating officer finds out that high ranking personalities are involved. He is forced into a maze where he is no longer in control of his destiny..
Suite à une série de meurtres liés les uns aux autres, un flic en charge de l'enquête découvre l'implication de hautes personnalités du pays, il sera entraîné malgré lui dans un dédale et ne sera pas le maître de son destin…
by Brahim Chkiri, 2006, Morocco, 14min, Drama