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Answering the call of his homeland, of which he retains only childhood memories, 50-year-old Omar returns to his native Algeria. There seems to be a path unfolding in front of him, and it is tortuous. Providence provides a child to guide him. The apparently pristine wilderness is heavy with the history of the land. Along a fine line between reality and fantasy, this past surfaces through archive footage. Strangely, the uncanny trip will lead Omar to connect with a landscape he hardly knows, and allow his intimate reunion with an estranged family.
What bonds remained between France and Algeria?In Algeria we hear a soft woman's voice recalling a painful childhood event in France, which her brother freed her from at the time. After a long absence, the brother sets foot again on Algerian soil. A path seems set for him. As if stepping out of a tale, Amina, a young girl, appears here and there. She is his guide and his protection. Times mingle. The man gets lost, lets go, finds the trace of Emir Abdelkader's horsemen ; he walks through hills where Algerian fighters died during the war of Independence. On the docks of a harbour, he is mistaken for an emigrant trying to stowaway aboard a cargo ship to escape Algeria at ail cost. His sister's voice accompanies him, dropping words along the way that tell the homesickness of the country she lost - France. The foreign son walks the land of his birth as if in a waking dream. This strange joumey will lead him to a paradoxical meeting with a country he hardly knows and to intimate reunion
A film by Abdallah Badis
France, Qatar, Algeria / 2015 / Feature Documentary / 74 min / Colour and B&W / Original Language: Arabic, French /
Based on a True Story, Docufiction
Interests: History, Immigration, Animation, Documentary, Biography, Family
Titre international: THE FOREIGN SON
Titre original: LE FILS ETRANGER
Durée: 79'
Pays: France, Qatar
Année: 2015
Langue(s): Arabe, Français
Abdallah BADIS
Contact de vente
Abdallah BADIS
Tél. +33607 372 885
2016 | Visions du Réel - Festival International de cinéma - Doc Outlook International Market, Nyon, Suisse | du 21 au 29 avril 2017
* Sélection - Section:Market
Statut de première à VdR: European Premiere
Premiere status (in January 2016): European Premiere
2013 | Doha Film Institute - DFI
* Spring Grant 2013 - Production Stage
Abdallah Badis / فيلم وثائقي طويل / فرنسا, قطر, الجزائر / ٢٠۱٣ / 0 دقائق / ملوّن ، و بالأبيض والأسود / اللغة الأصلية: العربية,
الفرنسية / الإهتمامات: تاريخي, هجرة, فنّ الرسوم المتحركة, وثائقي, سيرة ذاتية, أسرة, مقتبس من قصة حقيقية, خيال توثيقي
لبّي عمر (50 عاماً) نداء وطنه الجزائر الذي تركه منذ كان صغيراً فيعود إليها بعد سنوات عدّة. إلا أن الأمر ليس سهلاً، وطريق العودة شاق. لكن العناية الإلهية تمدّه بطفل يرشده ويصبح دليله. هناك، البراري مثقلة بتاريخ الأرض، فيعود كل الماضي للظهور عبر مشاهد من الأرشيف القديم حيث لا يفصل بين الحقيقة والخيال سوى خط رفيع. ولسخرية الأقدار، تقوده هذه الرحلة لتوطيد العلاقة مع أرض بالكاد يعرفها، فيتمكّن من الاجتماع مجدداً بالعائلة المفكّكة
عبد الله بادس
عبد الله بادس
عبد الله بادس