Saied, a 70-year-old man, returns to his childhood street. He searches for everything that used to exist there, the girl he was in love with. Saied becomes a young man once again. He rows a boat back home, his memories float everywhere around him while he is crossing the stagnant salt ponds.
Egypt/ 2014/ Arabic dialogue with Englsih subtitle/ 16 minutes/ Genre: Short
Director: Maysoon El-Massry
Script writer: Maysoon El-Massry,Ahmed El Emam
Composer: Samir Nabil
DOP: Islam Kamal
Producer: Mohamad El-Hadid
Production Company: Fig leaf studios
Cast: Nagy Shaker, Moustafa Darwish, Amgad Reyad, Noha El-Kholy
Saied, en 70-årig man, återvänder till sin barndoms gata. Han söker efter allt som tidigare fanns där, flickan han var kär i. Saied blir en ung man igen. Han ror en båt tillbaka hem, hans minnen flyter omkring honom medan han passerar sina minnens stagnerande salta dammar.
Egypt/ 2014/ Arabic dialogue with Englsih subtitle/ 16 minutes/ Genre: Short
Director: Maysoon El-Massry