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Senegalese film director, cinematographer and screenwriter.
Mamadou DIA is a Senegalese director currently based in New York where he is completing his MFA at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. His stories are rooted in daily intimate realities inspired from his life growing up in Senegal and travelling across the continent. His shorts have been selected to international festivals such as the African Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival and Venice Film Festival inter alia.
He worked on TV. Two documentaries in shooting.
2024 - Demba, 2nd feature
2019 - Baamum Nafi (Nafi's Father), 1st feature
2018 - Lost in transit, short
2016 - Samedi Cinema, short
Senegalesischer Schriftsteller und Regisseur
Mamadou DIA ist ein senegalesischer Schriftsteller und Regisseur. Er absolvierte seinen MFA in Regie an der Tisch School of the Arts (NYU). Geprägt von dieser Ausbildung und seiner Erfahrung als Videojournalist auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent, erforschen seine Geschichten das Spannungsfeld zwischen Fiktion und Tatsache. Sein jüngster Kurzfilm Samedi Cinema (2016) wurde in Venedig und Toronto uraufgeführt. Baamum Nafi (Nafi's Father), sein erster abendfüllender Film, erhielt das Hubert Bals Stipendium und war Teil des TIFF Talent Lab.
2019 - Baamum Nafi (Nafi's Father)
2018 - Lost in transit
2016 - Samedi Cinema
Scrittore e regista senegalese.
Mamadou DIA è uno scrittore e regista senegalese. Ha conseguito un diploma post-universitario in regia cinematografica alla Tisch School of the Arts della NYU. Grazie a questa formazione e all'esperienza da video reporter nel continente africano, Dia realizza film in equilibrio fra realtà e finzione. Il suo ultimo corto, Samedi Cinema (2016), è stato presentato alla Mostra di Venezia e al Toronto International Film Festival. Il suo primo lungometraggio, Baamum Nafi (Nafi's Father), ha ricevuto contributi dallo Hubert Bals Fund e ha partecipato al TIFF Talent Lab.
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