Emmanuel Parraud

  • Emmanuel Parraud
© Courtesy Unifrance
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Associate producer, Executive producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

French (from La reunion Island) Screenwriter, Director, Executive Producer, Executive Producer, Production Manager, film producer.

Emmanuel PARRAUD is a Screenwriter, Director, Executive Producer, Line Producer, Production Manager and Producer.

He has directed short films, in particular LA STATUE DE LA VIERGE and LA STEPPE, awarded in several festivals and broadcast on French television channels, as well as two feature films, AVANT-POSTE, beneficiary of the Advance on recipe, presented at the ACID in Cannes in 2009 and SAC LA MORT selected at the ENTREVUES 2015 festival in Belfort and presented at the ACID in Cannes in 2016.

He was awarded the Fet Net Indian Ocean prize at FIFAI 2010 (Le Port, Reunion Island) with his narrative film ADIEU A TOUT CELA, "for the accuracy of its subject filmed with a sensitivity far from fashion and music video influences" (according to the Jury composed of Catherine Ruelle and Léandre-Alain Baker).


2019 - MAUDIT! (3rd Feature film, 1h15mn)
- Torino Film Festival (International Competition) (11.2019, Turin, Italy)
- Festival Panafricain de Cannes (04.2020, Cannes, France)

2016 - SAC LA MORT (2nd Feature film, 1h18mn)

- Mention Spéciale
 (section Freedom - films de Libérations) /// Louxor African Film festival 2016 (Egypte)
- Sélection ///Festival international de Belfort ENTREVUES 2015 (France)

2015 - TOUT, TOUT A CONTINUÉ (41 mn)
- Sélection /// 38ème Festival du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand (2016, France)

2012 - CONSTRUIRE UN FEU (15mn)
- 30e Festival Tous Courts (Aix-en-Provence, France),
- Chacun Son Court (Strasbourg, France)
- Festival COMBAT (Josselin, France)

2010 - ADIEU A TOUT CELA (42min)
- Prix Fé Net Océan Indien "pour la justesse de son sujet filmé avec une sensibilité loin de la mode et des influences du clip" (selon le Jury composé de Catherine Ruelle et Léandre-Alain Baker) /// Festival International du Film d'Afrique et des Îles - FIFAI (2010, 
La Réunion, France)
- FEMI (Guadeloupe, France),
- Cinamazonia (Guyane, France),
- Côté-Court Pantin (France),
- Ebensee (Autriche),
- Bejaia (Algérie),
- Hergla (Tunisie),
- Liberté Métisse 2014

2009 - AVANT-POSTE (1st Feature film, 1h26mn)
- Selection 
ACID - Cannes 2009
- Fondation Beaumarchais Award

2004 - LA STATUE DE LA VIERGE (27mn)
- Double prix d'interprétation féminine et masculine Festival de Pantin (France)
- Festival Vendôme
- Achat France 3
- Achat Ciné-Cinéma

- Festival Pantin Côté-Court (Pantin, France)
- Festival Vendôme
- Prix Fondation Beaumarchais

1998 - LÀ-BAS, LÀ-BAS, LÀ-BAS (documentaire, 57mn)
- Mention spéciale /// Festival de Lorquin (France

1996 - LA TERRE PROMISE (12mn)
- Festival Pantin Côté-Court (Pantin, France)
- Achat Canal+

1994 - À PROPOS DE L'AMOUR ET DU SIDA (documentaire, 66mn)
- Film censuré par le Ministère de la Santé, diffusion interdite.

- France 3 Rhône-Alpes

1991 - DEVOLUY (12mn)
- Pré-achat Canal+
- Festival Belfort
- Festival Aix en Provence

1988 - LA STEPPE (11mn)
- Prix Canal+ /// Festival DE Grenoble,
- Mention Spéciale /// Festival Aix-en-Provence
- Achat Canal+,
- Achat La Sept ARTE
- Achat Canal+ Belgique…


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  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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