Little Go Girls

  • Little Go Girls
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 93 (in minutes)

In Abidjan, the Go use their bodies like cash tills to gain a little freedom, even if it means living in dishonour. Very young, they flee family brutality. Trapped on paths of violence and submission, they confront authority in the hope of one day being able to make their own decisions, and shape their own lives. This quest for freedom at any cost leads them into "fraîchnies ghettos" (ghettos of fresh, young girls). The outsider's gaze sees them only as "cursed, screaming, violent, doomed girls" who bring shame and bad luck. I looked at them making themselves up, singing, breastfeeding their babys, praying, drinking, smoking, plaiting their hairs, laughing, sleeping... They gave me the gift of their privacy, in a half-silence. I took this as a special favour which allowed another side to these women to emerge; a side which breaks away from the prejudices condemning them to public shame.
A little later, together they attempt to escape from banishment.

A film by Eliane De Latour

France, 2015, Documentary, 1h19mins

Shooting country: Ivory Coast

In Abidjan, the "Go" live in "fresh girl ghettos", outside the territories of professional prostitution. Aged from 10 to 24 years, illiterate, mainly Muslim, they have fled the militarised zones in the north of Côte d'Ivoire and domestic violence in order to sell their bodies at rock-bottom market price (€ 1.50 per trick). An anthropologist who has long worked with documentary and fictional images on the relegated living in closed worlds, Eliane de Latour first met these young women when photographing them during a field study. Three years later, she dedicated the funds collected from this initial work to them and filmed those who are trying to leave the ghetto and band together in the "Casa des Go". In doing so, the filmmaker throws light on these pariahs from the shadows and pays homage to their movements, silences, and injuries. And, above all, to their tenacity. For Little Go Girls is never miserabilism. This ample and delicate gesture of shared anthropology espouses a battle: that of the women who refuse the social stigma that their condition carries in the collective imagination.
Emmanuel Chicon (Visions du Réel 2016, NYON)

International title: Little Go Girls
Original title: Little Go Girls
Length: 79'
Country: France
Year: 2015
Screening at VdR: International Premiere
Language(s): Bambara, French
Subtitles: English, French

Producer : Jean-Pierre Beauviala

Director : Eliane De Latour
Screenplay : Eliane De Latour
Sound : Antonin Dalmasso
Photography : Eliane De Latour
Music : Eric Thomas
Editing : Catherine Gouze

Jean-Pierre Beauviala (Taggama)

Sales Contact
Daniela Elstner (Doc & Film International)
Tel. +330142775687

2016 | Visions du Réel, NYON, Suisse
Section: Compétition Internationale Longs Métrages
* Projection à VdR: Première Internationale / International Premiere
Screening: Th 21 April / 18:30 / Capitole Leone / Followed by a discussion
Screening: Fr 22 April / 14:00 / Capitole Leone


In Abidjan leben die ‘Go' in den Ghettos von ‘fraîchenies', jenseits der Hoheits- gebiete der professionellen Prostitution. Die jungen Frauen und Mädchen - zwischen 10 und 24 Jahre alt, Analphabe- tinnen, hauptsächlich Muslima - sind zugleich aus den militarisierten Zonen im Norden der Elfenbeinküste und vor der Gewalt in den Familien geflohen und ver- kaufen ihren Körper zum Mindestpreis von 1,5 € pro Freier. Die Anthropologin Eliane de Latour arbeitet in Dokumentaroder Spielfilmen seit langer Zeit mit Abgeschobenen, die in geschlossenen Welten leben. Zu diesen sehr jungen Frauen hatte sie im Rahmen eines Feldforschungsprojekts zunächst fotografischen Kontakt hergestellt. Drei Jahre später vertraut sie ihnen die mit dieser ersten Arbeit erzielten Erträge an und filmt jene, die versuchen, dem Ghetto zu entkommen und sich im ‘Casa des Go' zusammenzutun. Damit holt die Filmemacherin diese Schattenfiguren mit ihren Bewegungen, ihrem Schweigen und ihren Verletzungen zurück ans Licht. Sie zeigt ihre Hartnäckigkeit. Keine Spur von Schwarzmalerei in Little Go Girls. Die grosszügige, feinfühlige Geste einer geteilten Anthropologie macht sich den Kampf dieser Frauen zu eigen, die von der Schande nichts wissen wollen, mit der ihr Dasein im kollektiven Bewusstsein befleckt ist.
Emmanuel Chicon (Visions du Réel 2016, NYON, Suisse)

Von Eliane De Latour

Frankreich, 2015, Dok, 1h19mins

Internationaler Titel: Little Go Girls
Originaltitel: Little Go Girls
Sektion: Compétition Internationale Longs Métrages
Länge: 79'
Land: France
Jahr: 2015
Bei VdR: International Premiere
Sprache(n): Bambara, French
Untertitel: English, French

Jean-Pierre Beauviala (Taggama)

Daniela Elstner (Doc & Film International)
Tél. +330142775687


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  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of