Made In Germany Filmproduktion

Genre : Production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Richard-Wagner-Straße 12
D-50674 Köln
Tel. : +49 221 27263611
Fax : +49 221 27263699
Contact by email

The MADE IN GERMANY Filmproduktion GmbH is an independent film production company headquartered in Cologne. We develop and (co)produce high-quality documentaries and feature films for a German, European and international audience. We are always keen to choose films with stories that deal with societal, social and political topics and that promise to be visually powerful.

In the beginning, there is always a vision - passionate and euphoric. A desire to dare something, something different. Our vision: a successful cinematic (art) work. A film that stands out from others, that speaks a new language, that frees itself from conformism, that is unique and that leaves a lasting memory thanks to its quality - in short, a film that is MADE IN GERMANY. Our task is to translate this vision into convincing and challenging stories.


Documentary, 90 minutes, written & directed by, DoP: Suhaib Gasmelbari Mustafa, editor: Nelly Quettier, Gladys Joujou, sound: ElSadig Kamal, Katharina von Schroeder
Co-production with AGAT Films & Cie & GOI GOI Productions, funding by Film- & Media Fund NRW and World Cinema Fund, world distribution: Wide House
Ibrahim, Soliman, Manar, and Altayeb, filmmakers and friends for more than 45 years, idealists and intensely humane. They were reunited again after long years of distance and exile, to bring their old dream back to life: to make cinema a reality in the Sudan. They are determined to leave a trace of their passage and to inspire the love of films. Throughout the images they created, the ones they lost and the ones that remain a desire, the beautiful and horrific faces of their country appear.

Documentary, 88 minutes, written & directed by: Melanie Andernach & Andreas Köhler, DoP: Andreas Köhler, editor: Nicole Kortlüke, Carina Mergens, music: Stefan Will
Story development funding by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, funding by Film-und Medienstiftung NRW, Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, in co-production with ZDF Das kleine Fernsehspiel and ZDF Arte
Due to the Civil War in Somalia, the Shaash family lives scattered across the globe. Now the eldest, Imra (88), has to leave her Ethiopian exile. But where should she go? And where is she allowed to go? This question fuels a transnational family drama, in which the Shaash clan, from their worldwide diaspora, tries everything to find a new home for Imra.

With Bibiana Beglau, Bjarne Mädel, Emma Bading, Louis Hofmann
Feature film, 90 min, directed by: Isabel Prahl, written by: Karin Kaci, editor: Daniel Scheuch, sound: Siddho Varza, music: Hauschka
Script-funding by BKM, story development funding by Film- & Media Fund NRW
Co-production with WDR and Arte, funding by Film- & Media Fund NRW, Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, DFFF

Documentary feature, 80 min., written & directed by Jasmin Herold, DoP: Andreas Köhler, in coproduction with 3sat, funded by Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, Film & Media Fund NRW, MDM Fund, DFFF, Culture Fund Sachsen

Feature documentary, 90 min., written & directed by Sonia Kronlund, funded by FFA, Eurimages, Film and Media Fund NRW, in coproduction with Gloria Films, World Sales: Pyramide

Feature documentary, 90 min., written & directed by: Alexander Kvatashidze, funded by Film- and Media Fund NRW, in coproduction with WDR Arte, Petit à petit, Lokokina, EXIT, MEDIA development, ARTE prize and Open Doors Prize at Locarno Film Festival, HBO Europe Award

Feature documentary, 90 min., written & directed by: Mor Loushy, producers: Hilla Medalia, Neta Zwebner-Zaibert, Melanie Andernach, editor: Daniel Sivan, in co-production with kNow Productions, RBB Arte, BBC, Yes Docu, production funded by Film-und Medienstiftung NRW, Distributor: Real Fiction, World Sales: Dogwoof
The 1967 war ended with Israel's victory; colonizing Jerusalem, Gaza and West Bank. One month after the war, author Amos Oz recorded soldiers were talking about what really happened. The recordings were deleted from Israel's history - censored by the army...until now

Feature length documentary, 86 min, written & directed by: Stephan Bergmnann, DoP: Janis Mazuch, Sound: Peter Rösner, Music: The Embassadors, Editors: Gesa Marten, Martin Kayser Landwehr, in co-production with ZDF - Das kleine Fernsehspiel, production fund by Film- and Media Fund NRW, BKM, FFA and DFFF, Distributor: Neue Visionen, World Sales: Rise & Shine

Feature film, 90 min., written & directed by: Peter Bösenberg, co-written by: Melanie Andernach, DoP: Reinhold Vorschneider, Jürgen Jürges, editor: Renata Salazar Ivancan, Andreas Wodraschke, Gerrit Lucas, screenplay funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, in coproduction with the WDR (editor: Andrea Hanke), production funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW

Feature documentary, 96 min., HD, written & directed by: Yael Reuveny, DoP: Andreas Köhler, sound: César Fernandez, editor: Nicole Kortlüke & Assaf Lapid, in coproduction with Black Sheep Film Productions Ltd, Channel 8 and Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Development Programme IDFAcademy 2009, MEDIA Development Programme Greenhouse 2009, DEFA-Förderpreis 2011, production fund by Film and Media Fund NRW, BKM, Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, Filmwerkstatt der Filmförderung Schleswig-Holstein and Rabinovich Film Fund, Distributor: Film Kino Text, World distributor: Rush Lake Media

Feature documentary, 79 min., HD, written & directed by: Marcel Ahrenholz, DoP: Andreas Köhler, editor: Dirk Seliger, Phoenix-Förderpreis 2009, funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and the MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung

Feature documentary, 82 min, a documentary by Astrid Schult, in coproduction with the EIKON Südwest GmbH, Südwest Rundfunk and Arte, funded by the MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, worldwide distribution: Rise & Shine World Sales

ZECHE IS NICH - 7 glimpses at the Ruhr region
Feature film, 90 min, HD, written & directed by: various people, in coproduction with the ZDF Das kleine Fernsehspiel, KHM and ifs, funded by the Filmstiftung NRW

Documentary, 30 min, HD directed by: Yael Reuveny, DoP: Andreas Köhler, editor: Nicole Kortlüke & Assaf Lapid, sound design: Luiz Melo di Paiva
Co-production with Sam Spiegel School Jerusalem

Documentary, 110 min., HD, directed by: Pawel Ferdek, Yael Reuveny, Matthias vom Schemm, Otto Dietrich, Ruth Litan, DoP: Monika Kotecka, Andreas Köhler, Ziv Berkovic, Itamar Mendes Slor, cut: Peter Przgoda, Rafal, Samborski, Nicole Kortlüke, Ruben Bürgam, Huynh Trang Lam / Cecila Gray, Tamar Zinger, in coproduction with the ifs internationale filmschule köln, the Andrzej Wajda School Warsaw and the Sam Spiegel School Jerusalem, WDR/arte, funded by the Filmstiftung NRW

Documentary, 23 min, HD, directed by: Matthias vom Schemm, DOP: Andreas Köhler, editor: Ruben Bürgam, sounddesign: Peter Aufderhaar
Co-production with international filmschool Cologne and WDR/arte, funding by Film- & Media Fund NRW

With Daniela Wutte, Christoph Jacobi, Antje Widdra, Piet Fuchs
Feature film, 90 min, HD, written & directed by: Iris Janssen, DOP: Andreas Köhler, production design: Stefan Westerwelle, costume design: Renate Janevski, Kristina Bille, make-up: Janina Straessle, Christine Hiss, sound: Sven Sydow, editor: Nicola Undritz
In co-production with Academy Of Media Arts Cologne, funding by von Film- & Media Fund NRW

With Jenny Deimling, Martin Glade
TV movie, episode, 12 min, HD, written & directed by: Melanie Andernach und Andreas Köhler, DOP: Andreas Köhler, production design: Anke Mergler, costume design: Michaela Schmid, sound: Karl-Ludwig Toel, editor: Christine Zupfer, music/sounddesign: Peter Aufderhaar
In co-production with WDR, Wettbewerb Code 21

With Branko Tomovic, Pedja Bjelac, Sandra Kouba u.a.
short film, 15 minutes, 35mm, Dolby Digital, directed by: Dennis Todorovic, written by: Melanie Andernach & Dennis Todorovic, Kamera: Andreas Köhler, production design: Daniel Chour, costume design: Diana Güven, Ramona Petersen, Ton: Jan Blömeke, Dragan Nikolic, make-up: Sarah Wirtz, editor: Martina Pille, sounddesign: Peter Aufderhaar, music: Schäl Sick Brass Band, Peter Aufderhaar
Produkcion: Amor Fati GbR, ifs und FH Dortmund, funding by Robert Bosch Stiftung and Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg

With Olivia Gräser, Monika Praxmarer, Krista Posch
short film, 30 Minuten, S 16mm, directed by: Marcel Ahrenholz, written by: Marcel Ahrenholz, Melanie Andernach, Karin Kaci, Andreas Köhler, DOP: Andreas Köhler, production design: Konstanze Müller, costume design: Vera Freckmann, sound: Sven Sydow, make-up: CISEL, editor: Rudi Heinen, music/sounddesign: Emil Klotzsch
Production: Stillleben GbR, ifs und FH Dortmund, funding by Film & Media Fund NRW Production 2


Die MADE IN GERMANY Filmproduktion GmbH ist eine unabhängige Filmproduktion in Köln. Wir entwickeln und (ko-)produzieren hochwertige Dokumentar- und Spielfilme für das deutsche, europäische und internationale Publikum.


5 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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