We are deeply sorry to inform you that Da Raoul, Raosolosolofo Razafindranoa, one of the 4 composers of the group Mahaleo, passed away on september 3, 2010, at the age of 59 in Tamatave, Madagascar.
After a wake in Tamatave's harbour, then in Antananarivo where thousands of Malagasy have paid their tribute to the great man he was, then in Antsirabe, Ambositra,
he will be buried on September 11th, 2010 in Vinany, Ambatofinandrahana, his ancestors' land.
A tribute will be organised in Paris on October 2 or 3 in presence of Dama and Dadah. An open stage to all Malagasy artists willing to do so like in Tamatave or Tantananarivo
If you want to bring your contribution as artist to this event or do anything to support his family and projects, please feel free to answer to this e-mail or write to info@mahaleo.com
Full info will be available shortly at http://www.mahaleo.com where you can already find photos, audio and video extracts and lyrics of his songs translated into English.