Pierre Rabhi is an Algerian-born French farmer, writer and thinker. He founded among others NGOs ‘Colibris, Mouvement pour la Terre et l'Humanisme' and ‘Oasis en Tous Lieux', conveying his commitment to citizen-based action meant to amend the paradigm of our societies by working out solution-oriented projects. Through encounters and tangible experiments, the film explores how this forerunner's thought is implemented.
"The time has come for enlightened, determined, acting and peaceful consciences."
Pierre Rabhi
France, 2013, Documentary, 90mins
Director: Marie-Dominique Dhelsing
Executive production: Adalios
Co-production: GroupeGalactica, Vidéo de Poche, Fondation Pierre Rabhi sous l'égide de la Fondation de France
With the support of Fondation Pierre Rabhi, Polignac, Terre et Humanisme, Melvita, Épargne en conscience, Crédit Coopératif.
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