Featured Poet: Vanessa Ombura
Featured Band: Lele Ngoma
MC: Cindy Ogana
Vanessa Ombura is on a journey to discover the interconnectivity of existence. She started writing poetry at age 12 as a way of speaking out and encouraging herself. Now heading into her 20s, she's the 54
th Slam Africa Champ having performed at Fatuma's Voice, Poetry at the Park, Eve of Poetry, Free Verse and appeared on Angaza Show (KBC TV) among other spaces. Spoken Word is Vanessa's way of sharing and understanding things she learns, reminding others and the Vanessa within that they can make a positive difference in their world with the time they have. Twitter: @VanessaOmbura
Lele Ngoma is an eclectic Afro Soul band blending contemporary styles like Jazz, Neo Soul, Rock and Caribbean sounds with folk melodies. The 6-piece band comprises of vocals, keys, drums, bass, acoustic and lead guitars. The band is currently recording it's 1
st album to be released in 2015.
Twitter: @LeleNgoma
Information / Venue
Time: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Entry: Ksh. 300 at the gate, Advance tickets via Mpesa.
*Advance tickets are only available via Mpesa: Simply select "Buy Goods" on your MPesa menu, enter the "Till Number" (56714) and follow instructions to complete transaction.
P.O Box 2895
Nairobi ( -00100 )