Traveling Caraïbes Film Showcase

Calle 12 entre 23 y 25 # 555. Vedado. CP 10400
La Habana
Tel. : (537) 836 1738
Genre : Festival
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase is the event of greater reach for the promotion and visibility of the Caribbean Cinema, and at the same time it is a regional space of meeting and exchange between the filmmakers and the creators of the audiovisual material in the area.

The Showcase consists of an annual selection of films made by Caribbean or not authors, which materials turns out in authentical expressions of the social, cultural, and historic realities of the region. The Showcase travels in DVD format through the countries of The Caribbean and it also hit other stages of the world with its presentations.

This non-profit cultural regional event, constituted by 31 countries, is sponsored by The I.C.A.I.C.(Cuban Institute of Art and Cinematographic Industry), The Regional Office of Culture for Latin America and The Caribbean of UNESCO (ORCAL), The representation in Cuba of UNICEF, The Culture Ministry of Cuba, TELESUR, and it also counts with the collaboration of CARICOM. Likewise there are bonds of cooperation with different academic and cultural institutions in the Caribbean countries.

The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase, its programs and actions are coordinated by its Office, with seat in The Habana-12th Street #555 between 23rd and 25th Avenue, where a group of specialists coordinate and execute the tasks that require the implementation of itself in all the participant countries and in other stages of the world.

Translation and Subtitling

The achievement of greater significance since the first edition of the showcase, has been that, for the first time, the audiences of The Caribbean have had the opportunity of appreciating in its diversity the works of the region filmmakers subtitled in the official languages of the Caribbean: Spanish, English, French, and Haitian Creole.

Travelling Caribbean Film Workshops

The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase is not just an action to promote the Cinema produced by our nationals, it also favors a space to encourage the professional quality of our filmmakers, which is possible due to the implementation of courses and travelling workshops in the most different specialties of the cinema and the audiovisual for the qualification of professionals and specialists in the field of the region. These workshops, seminars and courses are done with the coordination of the cultural and academic institutions of each country.


The Office of The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase is a reference center for the cinematography of the region, and has created a Database that allows those who are interested to request information about titles, authors, synopsis, among others.


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of